Textbooks to use for 4U and 3U? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
Doing 4u maths next term. My school uses Maths in Focus for 3U and most of yous know that the questions aren't up to HSC standard. For 3u, i'm looking at (as a supplement to MIF)

a) Cambridge (not really a fan cause of the weird sequence of chapters + it also contains 2u stuff which won't be assessed)
b) Fitzpatrick New Senior Mathematics (would be getting the 3u only book & able to buy offical worked solutions)
c) Coroneos (can't stand the font tbh)

Leaning towards Fitzpatrick as it is a 3u only book, but will I be fine learning the 2u stuff just from Maths in Focus?

School uses Arnold's Cambridge for 4u but I'm wondering what other textbook would be a good supplement?

Thanks !
Feb 16, 2014
Doing 4u maths next term. My school uses Maths in Focus for 3U and most of yous know that the questions aren't up to HSC standard. For 3u, i'm looking at (as a supplement to MIF)

a) Cambridge (not really a fan cause of the weird sequence of chapters + it also contains 2u stuff which won't be assessed)
b) Fitzpatrick New Senior Mathematics (would be getting the 3u only book & able to buy offical worked solutions)
c) Coroneos (can't stand the font tbh)

Leaning towards Fitzpatrick as it is a 3u only book, but will I be fine learning the 2u stuff just from Maths in Focus?

School uses Arnold's Cambridge for 4u but I'm wondering what other textbook would be a good supplement?

Thanks !
2u stuff does get assessed in your 3u exams and in 4u (unlikely for 4u). But your school is able to put a harder 2u question in any of your papers so do not neglect.

Also, for 4u, use Terry Lee as the questions are past HSC, and they're the ones you want to be tackling. Textbook questions and trial paper/HSC questions are quite different, plus after a while you will probably only use a textbook to learn the theory. With 4u, you'll learn the theory and immediately approach examination style questions and not do exercises from textbooks. So i suggest, not to spend a load of money on textbooks and just get Terry Lee.

Always answer examination style questions!


Sep 1, 2013
Uni Grad
Doing 4u maths next term. My school uses Maths in Focus for 3U and most of yous know that the questions aren't up to HSC standard. For 3u, i'm looking at (as a supplement to MIF)

a) Cambridge (not really a fan cause of the weird sequence of chapters + it also contains 2u stuff which won't be assessed)
b) Fitzpatrick New Senior Mathematics (would be getting the 3u only book & able to buy offical worked solutions)
c) Coroneos (can't stand the font tbh)

Leaning towards Fitzpatrick as it is a 3u only book, but will I be fine learning the 2u stuff just from Maths in Focus?

School uses Arnold's Cambridge for 4u but I'm wondering what other textbook would be a good supplement?

Thanks !
I use Fitzpatrick for MX1 solely (lots of trial papers, school supplies MiF lol)
Cambridge/Terry Lee for MX2 in combination (cambridge to develop concepts, Terry Lee to expand and challenge understanding)

That's just what i use, but I've found it pretty useful, and doing trial/hsc papers, I've found very few holes in my understanding of content.

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