Helpful Tips/Rules for making the most out of the Maths Forums (1 Viewer)

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Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Hi guys, and welcome to the maths forums. Just a few things before you post:

There are 5 sections;
one for General Maths, Maths (2U/Advanced), Maths Extension 1 and Maths Extension 2
plus there is an Extracurricular Section.

General Tips for Posting
To make the most of this thread, just some helpful tips, to make your life easier:

>> Please post in the relevant section. This means that if it beyond the scope of the syllabus it should go in the Extracurricular forum. 4U maths problems go in the Maths Extension 2 subforum, simple.

>> If posting a question from a past paper, please reference the paper you pulled the question from.

>> It is beneficial to type up the question, if you can in LATEX; if not thats ok.

>> If you are able to identify the topic of your problem in the thread title, this would help greatly, as different members are good at different things.

>> Quoting the source of the problem is helpful as members might have solutions for you, greatly simplifying the process. (For example, quote the exercise from a textbook or the exam paper by creator and year).

>> Any non-HSC problems or questions go in the Extra-curricular thread.

>> Please do not delete your post after asking your question, because your question may be useful to other users/future users.

Getting help for Questions

>> Please don't create "user help" threads. If you have a question please create a new thread; it is more beneficial for the community here.

>> Please don't spam multiple threads with your request for help, that is just rude and quite annoying; and is likely to be ignored.

>> Be polite. Tip: Use the rep/like buttons if you appreciate the help you have received from a fellow user, it would be good.

Contributing Past Papers/Resources
>> You are encouraged to post past papers, although it is better to either process them through myself or via the Upload Function at

>> Asking for/posting CSSA/Independent/NEAP papers are not allowed. Failure to comply may have serious consequences.
>> Please don't post sites either that host such papers.

>> Feel free also to add solutions to files, whether on Resources or a paper that only has questions. I will hopefully be trying to transfer most of what I have onto the Resources section as well, if I find the time.

Other Tips/Rules
(copied/edited from General Maths forum)
>> Abuse will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with a member's posts in this forum contact any of the other moderators. That's what we're here for. If you have a problem with something I or any of the other moderators do, and don't feel the issue can be resolved through discussion with me, then contact one of the admins.

>> Please use the search button before asking a question (by this I mean questions about scaling, study techniques, basically anything other than mathematical problems).

>> Please try and keep a thread on topic. Save your derailing for Non-School.

>> Use your common sense. If something seems wrong, don't do it.

>> Even though this is a Maths forum, please use English sentences, (not lyk dis, ok?) cause its easier to read.

>> Please don't post misleading and erroneous mathematical information. Repeat offences may have consequences.

>> If you post a tutoring/book sale thread it will be deleted. Please post these in the buy/sell forum instead, as it's annoying having to move them.

>> Please do not repeat the same question in more than one thread if you are not being answered, be patient and you will eventually get a response. Please do not spam multiple forums with requests for help.

>> Politeness & generosity go a long way.

>> Don't ask for e-versions of any maths textbook. If you need those, speak to your school/teacher or purchase them online.

***Moderators will update this post when necessary**
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