Selling Textbooks (Assortment of Accounting and Law Textbooks) (1 Viewer)


Existential Crisis
Aug 13, 2012
Hi all,

I am transferring from Macquarie University this year, so I thought this would an appropriate time to sell textbooks used in units completed at Macquarie University.

LAW115 - Foundations of Law:

- Michelle Sanson, Thalia Anthony and David Worswick, Connecting with the Law (Oxford University Press, 3th ed, 2010).
- Michelle Sanson, Statutory Interpretation (Oxford University Press, 2012).
- Mann, Australian Law Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2nd Ed.)

ACCG106 - Accounting Information for Decision-Making:

- Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making 5e (with iStudy) by Jacqueline Birt, Keryn Chalmers, Suzanne Maloney, Albie Brooks and Judy Oliver.
- The Naked CEO by Alex Malley

ACCG101 - Accounting and Governance (100 uses the same textbook):

- Carlon et al., 2016, Financial Accounting: Reporting, Analysis and Decision Making, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Australia.

LAW104 - Contracts:

- J Gooley, P Radan & I Vickovich, Principles of Australian Contract Law, 3rd ed, LexisNexis, Sydney, 2014
- J Gooley, P Radan & I Vickovich, Principles of Australian Contract Law: Cases & Materials, 3rd ed, LexisNexis, Sydney, 2015

LAWS216 - Property Law:

- Gray et al, Property Law in New South Wales, 3rd ed 2012, Lexisnexis

LAWS256 - Business Organisations:

- Paul Redmond, Corporations and Financial Markers Law (LBC, 6th edition, 2013).


- Terry Hutchinson, Researching and Writing in Law (Thomson Reuters, 3rd Ed, 2010).

If you are interested in purchasing any of the above texts, please message me to discuss price and shipping options. Please note, those opting for pick up should be ready and willing to pick from Sydney CBD (preferably Wynyard).

Thanks Guys!

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