Tell me about UOW? (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2009
So I just recieved my information pack in the mail from UOW and its booklet is quite colourful, vibrant and happy. It was last year too, from memory, so they get points for that.

I'd be transferring as a NRSL into second year Arts, with my focus on Sociology and Philosophy. I've applied for a fair few universities (UAC - USYD, UNSW, Mac VTAC - Monash, La trobe and UTAS). I don't really know where I want to go. I would probably pick Usyd as my first choice but I don't think I will get in :(
My UAI isn't the best.

Wollongong is achievable and quite nice, I went on a campus tour last year and found it all very pleasant, but after reading this board it seems that some people aren't so happy with it.

So can people tell me a bit about life at UOW? What do you guys do there, you know for fun? I don't drink, would this exclude me from many activities, or at least make them not so fun? Friendly people?

The university doesn't seem particularly close to much at all. Just sort of in the middle of roads and a mountain thing. If I were not successful in on-campus housing how easy is it to find share accommodation? Is said accommodation close to the university? Is there like a supermarket within walking distance to the uni?

Is it somewhere I would want to live for the next 3 or so years?

Also, should I apply for accommodation now, or does it make no difference if apply now or later as long as its before closing date?



real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
So can people tell me a bit about life at UOW?
Good campus, warm weather. There's always stuff going on. Make sure you keep track of unibar events, there's heaps of gigs going on, both local and international acts. Also, the groups and societies are always putting stuff on.

What do you guys do there, you know for fun?
The above. There are always parties and things. Movies, beach, theatre, pretty much you typically coastal town stuff.

I don't drink, would this exclude me from many activities, or at least make them not so fun?
Nope. Designated drivers are great :D

Friendly people?
Yes, especially in Arts and Creative Arts. Just put in the effort and your bound to connect with people.

If I were not successful in on-campus housing how easy is it to find share accommodation? Is said accommodation close to the university? Is there like a supermarket within walking distance to the uni?
It's fairly easy to find if you've got a friendly attitude and maintain a clean persona. :) Accomodation is available within walking distance, though its often more expensive, or part of a house. But there is a really good bus service. The main part of wollongong is close to supermarkets, and you can catch a free bus to uni each day.

Is it somewhere I would want to live for the next 3 or so years?
It depends what your after. If you love the roar of the city you may get bored of the area. However, if you like coastal areas, beaches or semi-suburbia then its a nice area to live. If you can make friends you'll always find something to do.

Anyway, that's my opinion. :)


Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
Personally, I'm a fan of UoW, but that's mostly because I like trees and fairly small class sizes.

The Arts faculty in particular is relatively small and quite friendly, and I've made tonnes of friends through my subjects (my 6-person house has Politics/Philosophyx2, Politics/Sociology, Politics/Human Geography, Medical Radiation Physics, and Creative Arts/Law).

There is relatively decent transportation around here these days, with a free bus to uni from town and the closer nothern sections of town. I live in a sharehouse a block from uni, as long as you are friendly and clean you shouldn't have too much of a problem. I'd aim to get your own house with friends at some point, because being at the mercy of someone else's whims can be a bit of a pain.

If you're a fan of the outdoors, there's a fair bit around. I'm not a huge fan of Wollongong's nightlife, we tend to brew our own beer and have friends around for BBQ's these days. If you want the chaotic city life, you might get bored here as Absolute Zero said; but I love this place.

As for your subjects, I've found sociology to be very good at times and quite mediocre at others- like most things, you need to investigate and ask around so you know you're getting the best lecturers- it can make all the difference. I and others have been generally impressed with philosophy, especially when they offer all the subjects. Class sizes are relatively small and participation is usually pretty good.

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