i guess its nearly official, we are all screwed (1 Viewer)


Mar 30, 2004
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!

Fuck, we only realised that when americans started to die. Why? Why are we as westerners not allowed to be exploded?

Because we are human??

Well what are the Iraqis??

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!


Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!

its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...

so it is official… the world has gone crazy and the only thing that’s going to stop the pain is armageddon… well mr bush, ‘bring it on’.

The world is fucked.

Peace, although, realistically, that wish was redundant before I even considered writing it. I just hope that it will be quick…


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
I couldn't be bothered reading through all that because it was much too illogical, emotional and unreasoned (as well as poorly formatted with too many exclamation marks). Actually I'll read it now, I'm going to make a bet that you haven't backed up anything you said with even an unsubstantiated fact.

Impassioned Left said:
the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it
I can't see nuclear weapons being any sort of a threat in the immediate future. Nuclear weapons, contrary to popular belief, are extremely complex weapons that require a high level of sophistication for use. Generally, you also need a lot of safe and secure ground to launch them from – caves aren’t acceptable. Nations these days don't launch nuclear weapons at each other. The USA will only launch war in self-defence. This is absurdist sentiment.

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?
Since when has the U.S Supreme Court had jurisdiction over any other nation on this earth? Ever heard of state sovereignty? It's a very important concept in international relations, I suggest you research it.

That they are Evangelical Christians means nothing, we have many practising Protestants and Catholics in our political parties? Do you have a point here? What is wrong with eradicating terrorists whose underlying belief system is a mixed up confusion of irredentism and fundamentalist Islam?

"White Evangelical Christians - a group that may represent as much as a quarter of the American electorate - tend to be Republicans, Mr Haggard said, while black Evangelicals tend to be Democrats." (BBC News)

Spilling the blood in the name of God? No, I think you're confusing fundamentalist Islamic terrorists with Western leaders here. Not a good precedent for the rest of your rant.

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!
Research - 'Iran-Iraq War'. Research 'Cold War'. Research ' Get back to me after you've read the necessary literature. These will help you from looking like an idiot. Note: They explain what was going on between the USA and the USSR at the time, why the Iran-Iraq war occurred and a lot of other cool stuff!

Also look up 'Republican' and 'Party Factions'. You'll quickly realise that the GOP is littered with all sorts of people just like our Labor and Liberal parties. Just two examples - Colin Powell is a moderate. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican governor of California is also a moderate. This will disspell your notions of a lack of... "categories".

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.
Too many rhetorical questions, too much appeal to emotion and ignorance! Stop it already!

The first paragraph didn't even make sense. Were you accusing Bush-Cheney of America's past indiscretions or what? You are incoherent!

The point of economic sanctions IS to try and change the behaviour of a government. This clearly failed after 10 years, which is actually a short period of time (compare this to Amercian sanctions on say Cuba), and it was necessary, after investigating the intelligence available and based on adequate suspecion of a threat, they decided to impose military sanctions. Simply, a threat was identified and action was taken. They tried to get UN approval, however, were unable to due to inherent problems in the veto system. (Resolutions 678 and 687 essentially allowed military sanctions with UN support, this was there, as the Coalition show, however, a few recalcitrant nations brought the entire UN resolution allowing war to its knees).

The oil argument is entirely silly as well. Just think this over for a moment. Does the American government own any oil drilling or distributing companies? No. Why? It’s a free market! Now, if a country is in a total economic quagmire because of sanctions and a horrible government, and someone comes and saves them from it, and this nation has oil, it’s logical that you’d want to protect this oil so the nation could start exploiting it and making money so they prosper. Oil for blood? NO. Oil for sustenance! (Side note: I think it’s been pointed out that the UN Oil for Food Programme was a lot cheaper than invading the country).

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?
Latest results show that over 50% of those who chose to cast a ballot voted for George W. Bush. This is the basis of democracy no? Or is it undemocratic simply because your wishes weren't expressed by the majority? Oh poor schnookums, here, have a tissue.
Research your facts once again. Read the papers. THIS ELECTION WASN'T ABOUT YOU, IT WAS ABOUT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. The American public voted on DOMESTIC issues. These are important, refer back to what I said earlier about state sovereignty, they make the choices on how their own nation runs like other nations. This is all very democratic here!

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!

More jibberish. If you look at American culture, they are deeply religious and have a sense of "moral values". It would be entirely unexpected of a President or a Candidate to NOT mention God. Both men are deeply religious, Bush a born-again Christian and Kerry a Catholic. This is their choice. This is also the will and the wish of the electorate. You are beginning to repeat yourself about the religious element. We get it already.

" 72% of Americans say the president should have strong religious beliefs" (BBC News)

Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!
Yes! How about historical precedent flavour. Let's see... 'Marshal Plan' in Europe, NATO, the United Nations. Just to name a few. More? Let's see, the reconstruction of Japan after WWII, the Korean War, trillions of dollars in aid to many nations around the world... yep, definitely, they stopped fighting there! Once again, I suggest you research your assertions before you make them.

Rwanda? Look at it in a historical perspective again!
1. Look up Somalia 1993/4 or if you're lazy watch "Black Hawk Down", you might comprehend somewhat why the U.S. was reluctant to do anything at the time.
2. Look up UNAMIR and the reports afterwards. You'll find the reasons why the USA didn't get involved in the peace keeping exercise. Refer to 1.

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!
its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.
Got any solid links between oil and war or is it just from the Socialist Alliance's propaganda slogans that you're inferring and extrapolating all this from. STARVING Iraqi children in detention centres? Massacres? Proof?

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...
What relevance does the AMERICAN Attorney-General have to anything anywhere besides the USA?

I wouldn't be attacking you if you have a valid opinion that was expressed coherently, was backed up with some semblance of proof and most importantly wasn't so illogical and highly ignorant. It is extremeist highly reactionary and ignorant lefties like you that are the problem with the left-wing. I, personally am slanted to the left, but seeing more and more of you sorts popping your heads up, spouting all sorts of absolute nonsense and making up all sorts of eschatological claims about Bush's reelection or the war in Iraq irks me to enormous extremes. Coherence, logic and proof. It's not that hard a task. From that basis you can actually start a reasoned and logical debate with others - perhaps you'll get somewhere.

It's 4.30am and I am officially sick and tired of you people. I have had at least 5 people on MSN start bitching to me about how it's the apocalypse now that Bush has been reelected, and how the "puppet government" of Howard is now going to be forced to adopt the PATRIOT ACT because of Ashcroft or some such absolute garbage.


Feb 11, 2004
a lower socio-economic area than yours
i do agree with many things you have said as im not a bush fan at all and disagree with some things you have said propaghandhi but i will say that i commend you for justifying your argument and havent signed up to the cliched 'bush sucks' mentality.

oh yeh i hate people bad mouthing capitalism and calling the US government a fascist reigeme. especially while using a computer made by a company set up for profit on an isp that earns a profit for its stakeholders, probabaly while drinking a beverage or eating something made by a multi-national corporation. many liberal views in politics are great and im more left leaning than i am right but when the far left start bashing capatilism and down playing people who have worked hard to earn their own wealth it makes me mad.

p.s. propaghandi are a great band :D


Nov 23, 2003
Sutherland Shire
i didnt like either.

but at least they both reflected two distinct sides of american's human nature.

bush the narcisstic, unintelligent, jerk
kerry the young, teeny-bopper(free concerts? seriously..), delusionist

pity that the decision affects the whole world and not just that sad country


kicking the cack
Jul 26, 2002
over there
now where's that "does god exist thread".
(now we've got watertight proof that he doesn't)


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
I didn't read it and I am not going to, but from the first couple lines I can see you are a moron and I'm not even going to bother explaining why.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2003
Obviously Iraq was such a serious threat that we should have invaded it even earlier.


paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
propagandhi said:
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!

Fuck, we only realised that when americans started to die. Why? Why are we as westerners not allowed to be exploded?

Because we are human??

Well what are the Iraqis??

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!


Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!

its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...

so it is official… the world has gone crazy and the only thing that’s going to stop the pain is armageddon… well mr bush, ‘bring it on’.

The world is fucked.

Peace, although, realistically, that wish was redundant before I even considered writing it. I just hope that it will be quick…
congratulations, you just won a night in bed with michael moore :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
Rorix said:
Obviously Iraq was such a serious threat that we should have invaded it even earlier.
They didn't go far enough on the first try in 1991.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
propagandhi said:
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!

Fuck, we only realised that when americans started to die. Why? Why are we as westerners not allowed to be exploded?

Because we are human??

Well what are the Iraqis??

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!


Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!

its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...

so it is official… the world has gone crazy and the only thing that’s going to stop the pain is armageddon… well mr bush, ‘bring it on’.

The world is fucked.

Peace, although, realistically, that wish was redundant before I even considered writing it. I just hope that it will be quick…
I fell asleep at the "well its official" part.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2003
guys, don't quote the whole fucking thing at once:(.

Then add a one line comment.


paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
propagandhi said:
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!

Fuck, we only realised that when americans started to die. Why? Why are we as westerners not allowed to be exploded?

Because we are human??

Well what are the Iraqis??

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!


Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!

its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...

so it is official… the world has gone crazy and the only thing that’s going to stop the pain is armageddon… well mr bush, ‘bring it on’.

The world is fucked.

Peace, although, realistically, that wish was redundant before I even considered writing it. I just hope that it will be quick…

sorry, rorix :p


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
Yeah, the difference between this person and Michael Moore was that at least he tried to present justification, cause and effect, a coherent argument and was mildly amusing. That and Michael Moore now has a lot of cash :p


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
propagandhi said:
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.

i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it

in the end, bush may just be an amoral idiot boob doing his darndest to show off to his Dad , “hey Dad , I scored three smart bombs into schools today”, but john ashcroft and his ilk are truly threats to any kind of democracy, socials freedoms or peace in this world. they are republican. they are evangelist, ethnocentric born again christians that spill blood in the name of god and then rave about religious extremist muslims... how many white evangelist born again christians do you reckon are in the world?

ok, how many of us fit into the other catergory? if you are anything from catholic to atheist to hindu you are a sinner and 'beneath' the american republican agenda... and they have weapons. big, scary weapons. In a so called democratic society where the majority are demons and the minority have nuclear bomb how can we pretend anything is ok?

Weapons. The ‘logical pretext’ for this…

just like those ones we sold hussein so he could wipe out the kurds!,

of course no one suspected that a megalomanical dictator would try and wipe out his opponents!!

Fuck, we only realised that when americans started to die. Why? Why are we as westerners not allowed to be exploded?

Because we are human??

Well what are the Iraqis??

We allowed him to get away with a near genocide for nearly ten years! If we look at this from a “American history of imperialism and ‘democracy’ perspective”, towards what israel has done to palestine or the usa to countless smaller militarially inferior nations, bush, cheney and co's fundamentalist terrorist regime are the same kind of cowardly acts that pacifists were accused of during the war mongering that grew from operation iraqi freedom.

...if america, specifically the republican party are what they claim to be, heros of this new western hegemony, they are cowards- they only "fought for liberation" after the enemy was nearly crushed by happy little economic sanctions and acts of orwellian big brother. problem is, to negate this title, they would have to admit that saddam isnt really that much of a threat anymore... and where are our excuses for war? ah, yea, the oil- its 50 bucks to fill up a lexus these days!

why did it take until things were beginning to settle down, ten years, before we did anything?? would it be oil, anyone? now let me pose the question- is your girlfriends life worth a cheap tank of petrol?? is your sons? your mothers? no amount of oil is worth one human life. would you sell your daughter or your brother or your best friend for a 10c reduction at the fuel pumps? because that is what the iraqis are suffering everyday. id be pissed off too.

from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...

it doesnt take a genius to figure what it is, thats for sure because even i can tell you that it is in fact persecution!!!!

there are laws against that!! democratically elected and hard fought laws!! We killed the british for those laws!!

TRAITOR! COMMIE! why dont i hear these terms being thrown at this departure from the ideals of democracy?

is the hypocrisy lost to everyone?

"religious extremists" they say, "but we have god on our side!"

BLASPHEMY!!! would god bless a war based on greed? whatever you do onto my brother you do onto me, right? well i bet god would be pretty pissed off if we bombed his home and his children and his friends between placing sanctions that cripple his nation and leave him unable to do anything but steal grain from other poor people. and who could blame him? If god feels pain everytime one of his brethren is harmed, god is dead. Either way, we are fucked.

he he, they, as evangelist christians believe in apocalypse. Cool. I believe in the power of the power of guitar and drums, liberal applications of beer and fairy penguins. To each his own I guess, but I wonder if they realise how ridiculously close they are to bringing forth the four horsemen….

How can vengeance, an act of god, be justified by a man? If I was god, I would feel rather betrayed when my so called followers used my name to fill up their car. People hate me now, its really not nice to start rumours like this.

The irony of this is so delicious it could be made into a soft drink, no doubt that we could hock to forty year olds using 13 year old bulimics wearing American flags for tshirts and more makeup than all the whores in Kings Cross combined, and make ourselves a tidy profit.

Gotta love capitalism! Nothing refreshes like Iro-pop!!!


Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!

where were the great peacekeepers in rwanda for example???
they were at home, polishing the war chest! hoorah!

but now, geeze, we are running out of oil! gosh damnit, must be those frigging suv fucking things. oh well, drilling for oil or suffering a price rise is way too tough, how could we afford those big v8s or idol records??

lets just steal it from iraq!! yea, we steal livelyhoods and dignity all the time, remember the whole slavery thing??

why is the cost of oil higher than the cost of human life??

ohh... cause everyone is a terrorist!!!, well reactionary neo-fascists, if your home was bombed by new zealanders everyday for your young life and you watched as your people starved in the ruins of a post-dictatorial sanction ravaged wasteland, you would want to kill as many kiwis as you could. wouldnt you? (side note, new zealanders, much smarter than us in respect to foreign policy.sorry guys to scapegoat you guys)

even if you claim you wouldnt, reality check, think about the logic of fighting terrorism by nurturing a newer, fiercer, genuinely angry generation!! all we have to look forward to as a result of the western worlds arrogance of their past atrocities is more september elevens, more balis. lets liberate their lives from their bodies!! that will make them love us again!

its is a horrifically dim reflection of humanity when we allow this to happen- i dont like paying 50 bucks for petrol either, but that is not worth a single death. what it might be worth, is pouring all the money australia the uk and the us are spending on scoring a whole bunch of collateral damage into research for hydrogen fuel or solar batteries that work for longer than 20 mins! bingo. no more 50 dollar bill each week. no more vicious, cowardly terrorist explosions in nightclubs. no more sanctions. no more starving iraqi kids locked in detention centers because they might kill us all. no more new generations of terrorists. NO MORE OF THIS INHUMANE MASSACRE!!! isnt it ironic that humanity is so inhumane? isnt it ironic that many of our socially imbedded values work antithetically? Mmmm, iro-pop!
the comment "we know whats best for you!" is never one, theoretically or idealogically that should be heard from a government spokesman in a democratic society.

funnily enough, we hear it all the time. hmm, funny, that fits a social value called fascism... uhum, but its not because we dont call it fascism.

western democracy is fascism with a bow, i just dread the moment i hear ashcrofts little meat puppet inform us that war is peace and i cant turn off my tv...

so it is official… the world has gone crazy and the only thing that’s going to stop the pain is armageddon… well mr bush, ‘bring it on’.

The world is fucked.

Peace, although, realistically, that wish was redundant before I even considered writing it. I just hope that it will be quick…
BreaKing said:
sorry, rorix :p
Yeah, sorry Rorix.


paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
Ziff said:
Yeah, the difference between this person and Michael Moore was that at least he tried to present justification, cause and effect, a coherent argument and was mildly amusing. That and Michael Moore now has a lot of cash :p

tried being the operative word :)


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
propagandhi said:
well its official...

the sense of perpetual impending doom i have been experiencing of late is not just me going insane. we have another four years of bush. impending doom is apon us and now what do we do? lay around and wait for the apocalypse? cause thats what we get when we make those happy little things called nuclear weapons.
Since the production of large numbers of them isn't really the concern of many treaties oh wait it is.

Of course you would also complain about the plutonium used in them being processed as a fuel and then bitch when more uranium has to be mined because they couldnt reuse the fuel because of theft concerns even though it isnt as if they are sending them to be processed by canoe.
i had a glimmer of hope that this time, maybe the earth wouldnt be left in control of a complete clown. kerry hardly represents the saviour of the world, but something tells me he is a better man to be in control of nuclear and chemical weapons...if you could choose one of those turkeys to nurse the remote to the bomb that destroys north korea and brings forth armaggeddon, kerry would be it
But you happily support the presidents of France, the Prime Minister of England, the leaders of China, India, Pakistan and Russia being in control of nuclear weapons, they seem to pose more of a risk to use nuclear weapons.

Of course isnt American policy to not strike first with nuclear weapons?
from a simple idealogical standpoint, in a nation such as america where democracy is the very foundation of society, how can the election of a government that supports the needs of a select few be considered 'a great day for democracy'.? a regime built on the fundamentals of fuck everyone but the white proud and stupid conservatism...

yeah, thats democratic...
The select few, the popular majority seems to think that he will do a better job for them. So is the majority in the select few?
Howabout the historical precedent flavour?

america fought so hard for the freedom of the world up until 45, then almost immediately after set about creating a covert state of corporate fascism, under the happy title globalisation or capitalist democratic global markets... actions that have undoubtedly killed as many as the holocaust. AMERICAN "INTERVENTION"- subverting democracy since 1947!!
Oh, so the soviets didn't kill any people, capitalism has alot lower death rate


Mar 29, 2004
A quote from the good old fat mike:

This means that this election might actually be decided by us. It has never been more important for young people to vote. WE ARE THE DECIDING FACTOR. So please, if you can vote, VOTE tomorrow. The entire planet is counting on us. Oh, and after you vote, there's a big party at my house and your all invited. BYOB and please take your shoes off before entering. If Kerry wins, it'll be an all nighter. If Bush wins, there will be plenty of Valium for everyone.

It looks like poor old mike is gonna be high on valium for the next 4 years. Well it looks like the world has to suffer because of a few hundred thousand trigger-happy, conservative right wing voters.

Yes there were lots of first time young voters, sadly, there were alot of right wing first time or voting for the first time in a while, so that gave little if any adavantage to Kerry.

So Bush calls democarcy the winner, as long as they vote for him. The UN would seem as a democracy where the majority rules, well the majority voted against going into Iraq....hmmm, yeah democracy certianly won there.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
Umm if all but France or Russia voted to go to Iraq, it wouldn't be supported if they used a Veto. Does that sound like a democracy?


Mar 29, 2004
France and Russia, doesn't sound much like a majority does it. unless it is taken to the courts in Florida.


Mar 30, 2004
howabout nazi germany? they were a right wing super power

and wouldnt it be fairly obvious from all of my screaming that i am a pacifist? i do not stand happily by while france and india have nukes, in fact i think the india pakistan situation is something incredibly volatile that should warrant even some attention by the western media.

i dunno, i think it is pointless trying to justify my political emotion to alot of you as all i seem to get is comments about my language. yeah, you have a point, it was a very sprawling emotional and badly spelt effort that i should have bothered to spell check, but i did it late, depressed and drunk, more to the point it was a rant.

rants dont have to be backed up by footnotes however if you wanna mince political with me be my guest. it was not written to become a definite article of proof of the apocalypse. i see your point, but then you must understand this wasnt written to be presented in court. it is emotional, yes, the death of human being is emotional. it is when we removed emotion from politics that death became numbers on paper and we are bought to the current day.

i may be a leftwing fuckup or whatever, i'll be the first to admit it, you dont have to be as passionate loud and longwinded as i was, but in the end, you must know that killing civillians is wrong. by killing civillians you only make more terrorists and more civillians die. no life is worth any price... NOT ANY PRICE!!

ive said my piece, and i am now sober. you want to debate, fine i'll get into that

a night in bed with mike moore?? well as tempting as that is.... im trying to give it up.... give me Kelley from ThoughRiot instead.
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