Consumers!!! (1 Viewer)


Oct 11, 2002
Hey, im having heaps of trouble with consumers...... like the syllabus is all over the place....

for things such as
occupational licencing - self & state, do u know heaps on the travel agents, motor dealers and stuff, or do u think id be right knowing just one and its act

and for all of those acts
eg. sale of goods, motor dealers etc etc.... do you need to know them in detail.... again could i just know the gist, but know one well????
i dont understand how much depth i need to know it in..... like i rekon we need to concentrate more on remedies, and changing laws and stuff.....

and contracts!!! bah!!!!

i frekkin HATE consumers!!! family is SOOOOOOOOO much better!
& coz we didnt have a q on it for trials (hadnt done it) and our assessment was crap (although i went well, it only covered credit) - i dont understand wat u need to really know...

anyways.... any help???


Aug 15, 2002
hey if you know the act and how it covers the profession and the consumers of that Like the Motor vechicle Act and all the others have an undertstanding of what they do... rah rah and how effective they are in providing protection for consumers.

You shouldnt explain what they are so much but more but why they were put in place and the effectiveness they have and how these acts have developed with change , changes in society everyone is a consumer and the acts have been implemented to prevent vunerable consumers being manipulated etc.
thats why the Fair Trading Tribunal etc introduced.You should also talk about that consumer law has little effect if people do not know such laws exsist for their protection then talk about government and non gov sectors, educating consumers.Eg the media, need to talk about powerful its role is.

Occupational licensing u should talk about the protection of it on consumers such as the business number so they are registered company,Ocuupational licensing ensures the licensees are up to the standard.also prevents over supply of practioners.

Undertand how self and state regulation works and have an example.

use lots of cases for the rest of consumers, i put some prac q's in the trial paper section so have a look at them..ould help ya out!!

I hope i have helped!...I tried!! let me know if u need notes and stuff..Natt!!

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