HALP, i havent started my pip (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
Ok so I havn't started my PIP and it's due in about 5 weeks. I really need some advice on how to write a good PIP in a short amount of time cause I feel slightly overwhelmed atm. Is anyone else behind cause i had a whole year to do this and the fact that i havent stared is giving me major anxiety. my topic is comparing changing attitudes towards mental illness in both korean and western/australian culture and i cant come up with a hypothesis (tbh i dont exactly know what i want to explore)... so if yall would be so kind please help me


New Member
Jul 10, 2018
Hi Kimchiqueen,

I currently teach Society and Culture and it is worrying that you haven'r "started" the writing of your PIP - however - glad that you have at least a research focus. At the moment, you really need to CRAM and work really hard over the school holidays on your PIP.

If I were you, I would:

1) Perform some secondary research using Google Scholar and find some books/articles on mental health/illness. You could even perform a content analysis on media articles in the news showcasing mental health issues in both Korean and Australian contexts (therefore being able to perform a cross-cultural analysis)

2) Develop some primary methodologies (such as a questionnaire, focus group, and interviews - possibly integrating this into Korean communities, or interviewing someone from Korea (or even better - a specialist or psychologist who might have dealt with mental health/Korean issues).

3) Write Write Write. Check the sample PIPS in the State Library and/nor ARC for further information.

Also - your hypothesis is your "argument" or what you a seeking out to prove - in this case - you could hypothesise that the cultural acceptance of mental illness is greater in Western (Australian societies) rather than in Korean culture due to .... (cultural issues/etc...)

Good luck.

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