Romanticism Creative / Discovery Creative HELP (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Okay, so like any struggling HSC student, I need help.

I'm doing Advanced English and Extension 1. I'm doing pretty okay when it comes to the essays, but I am completely failing the creative areas at this stage.

I am currently writing both my discovery (adv) and romantic (ext) creative pieces and I could really use some help or advice.
Does anybody have any suggestions or tips they KNOW works?

Also, for Romanticism: What/how is the most effective way to write romantically? :uhoh:


Oct 29, 2016
Can't say that I have any concrete advice- write creatively as much as you can, there are lots of good writing exercises you can probably find on the internet or you could ask your teacher for some. They definitely don't have to be about discovery or romanticism at this point. These exercises will help you find your preferences (eg. serious or lighthearted subject matter) and you can come up with good metaphors/descriptions etc. along the way. I don't really know where to go from there, since I get stuck when it comes to actually integrating a concept- however if you can write well that counts for a lot more than having a riveting or complicated plot.

As far as Romanticism is concerned, I read Frankenstein just before my half-yearly and personally I tend to write in a similar style to what I've been recently reading, so it was all good :) I used lots of exclamation marks (probably too many) and lots of emotive language (probably too much). I got 23/25 for my story for the half-yearlies, which was about a man upset that his best friend was being forced to move to the city because of Enclosure while he had received a decent chunk of property from it and profited. If you wanted, you could find a historical event you are interested in and research it then write about it- this story only took me maybe half a day of research. I'm not sure if it has to be set in the Romantic time period, but I found it easier to integrate the ways of thinking that way. One of my classmates still had her story set during the time but with less historical grounding, her story was about a woman who was having fanciful visions or something (representing romanticism) and her husband who treated her as mad (representing the enlightenment). I got really lucky in that my story fit the question really well, some questions can ask you to write about a character from your prescribed texts and I would have been done for if I had got a question like that, so make sure you also know your characters and practice writing about them and from their perspective.

I found reading examples from the 'resources' section of this forum good :) I generally enjoy creative writing but hate writing creatives in exams (which unfortunately is the only time its assessed). Good luck with your writing :)

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