Is my employer paying tax for me ??? (1 Viewer)

Hikari Clover

May 26, 2007
Hi guys I need your helps :(

I will start off with all the information that might help to understand my situation

-it is a casual job
-owner and other employees are aussies, i am from overseas
-i did fill out the tax form before starting my job
-they pay me by cash, with a yellow pay envelope (bought from officework i guess), they call this envelope a pay slip, but on this so called pay slip, no employer abn is written, i can only find my name, date, gross wage, tax, net paid on it, all the others are blank
-they did not pay super for me, didn't even ask me for it
-they charged me roughly 30% tax which is the main problem (about 30 hrs a week, slightly less than $20 a hour)

what should i do now? should i just wait till i receive the payment summary in july to see whether they have paid or not? but here is another problem, i am going to quit this job in july and move to another city, what if they don't send me the payment summary, is there a way that i can get the "tax" back? (i do not know the employer abn yet)

can someone please analyse all these information i provided and tell me whether my boss is paying tax for me? i am a bit worried about it, i have had a cash job before, i didn't care about tax and super, but this 30% is just too much......

thank you


New Member
May 1, 2013
Do you have an Australian Tax File Number that you have provided them? If not then they withhold a different amount of tax. If they are withholding 30% then yes they are withholding tax. They pay it at the end of each quarter. They should be paying super if your an Australian resident, as I said before all things depend on this. If you want to know their ABN ask them, or look it up on You wont get any tax back unless you have been overcharged, you cannot just get all your tax back.

Hikari Clover

May 26, 2007
hi kimboss thanks for your reply
i have a tax file number and i put it on the declaration form.
what do you mean by "all things depend on this", i can see they are clearly not paying super for me, i am not citizen, when i worked at different places before, they paid tax and super for me, with proper pay slips.....
i guess i will just ask them for the abn number, too many result came up when i used the lookup website...


Meow meow meow meow meow?
Oct 10, 2012
Uni Grad
How old are you, and how much are you earning a month?
This may affect why you don't receive super.

PAYG withholding is different to super. PAYG is a taxation liability. PAYG withholding rates vary from employee to employee, and it's a good thing you do have a TFN because the rate is much higher if you don't provide one!

At the end of each financial year, your employer should provide with document like payslip, which tells you how much you earnt during the entire year. This is called a PAYG Summary or a Group Certificate. You use this to prepare a tax return. When you lodge your a tax return, the ATO "credits" this withheld money against you. They then decide depending on your return if you owe them more money, or you will receive a refund. More than likely, I'd say you would receive an refund because your not a high income earner, and I doubt your over the threshold as your a casual worker. You can also claim some expenses you might have from working, for example if you need to have your uniformed laundered or had to buy special protective shoes.

It's not really a big deal that they haven't provided their ABN/ACN now because they should on your Group Certificate. If they don't just ask politely and say its for your tax return. As long as you lodge your return on time, you will probably end up getting some of that withheld money back :)

I hope that helps :)

Hikari Clover

May 26, 2007
How old are you, and how much are you earning a month?
This may affect why you don't receive super.

PAYG withholding is different to super. PAYG is a taxation liability. PAYG withholding rates vary from employee to employee, and it's a good thing you do have a TFN because the rate is much higher if you don't provide one!

At the end of each financial year, your employer should provide with document like payslip, which tells you how much you earnt during the entire year. This is called a PAYG Summary or a Group Certificate. You use this to prepare a tax return. When you lodge your a tax return, the ATO "credits" this withheld money against you. They then decide depending on your return if you owe them more money, or you will receive a refund. More than likely, I'd say you would receive an refund because your not a high income earner, and I doubt your over the threshold as your a casual worker. You can also claim some expenses you might have from working, for example if you need to have your uniformed laundered or had to buy special protective shoes.

It's not really a big deal that they haven't provided their ABN/ACN now because they should on your Group Certificate. If they don't just ask politely and say its for your tax return. As long as you lodge your return on time, you will probably end up getting some of that withheld money back :)

I hope that helps :)
what a relief :)
i am 25+ i just started this job last week so i dont know about my monthly income yet
i am worried that they won't send me the group certificate either when i am gone, if that's the case, it is going to cost a lot of effort/time to chase these money back, this so called pay slip i got is just like something that i can make one up on my own, i highly doubt if ato is going to believe this is from my boss, there's not even the paid period on it. sigh...... i think i am going to talk to my boss when i get my next pay

by the way, is my previous employer going to send me the group certificate i worked there for 4 month only last year....


New Member
May 1, 2013
They will post you a group certificate if you provide a forwarding address. If you have been paid super before then you should have a super fund and should have supplied this to them. If not ask them and they will most likely be making contributions to an automatic fund if you havent provided details. All these things you should address when you start work. As youve only been there for a week they wont have paid any super for you yet so dont worry, super is only paid at the end of each quarter, tell them your superfund and member details and they will pay it at the end of June to your nominated account. They will withhold it straight away but its not paid out until the end of each quarter.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Hi guys I need your helps :(

I will start off with all the information that might help to understand my situation

-it is a casual job
-owner and other employees are aussies, i am from overseas
-i did fill out the tax form before starting my job
-they pay me by cash, with a yellow pay envelope (bought from officework i guess), they call this envelope a pay slip, but on this so called pay slip, no employer abn is written, i can only find my name, date, gross wage, tax, net paid on it, all the others are blank
-they did not pay super for me, didn't even ask me for it
-they charged me roughly 30% tax which is the main problem (about 30 hrs a week, slightly less than $20 a hour)

what should i do now? should i just wait till i receive the payment summary in july to see whether they have paid or not? but here is another problem, i am going to quit this job in july and move to another city, what if they don't send me the payment summary, is there a way that i can get the "tax" back? (i do not know the employer abn yet)

can someone please analyse all these information i provided and tell me whether my boss is paying tax for me? i am a bit worried about it, i have had a cash job before, i didn't care about tax and super, but this 30% is just too much......

thank you
1. Since it's a casual job, they don't pay your superannuation nor are required to.
2. You're getting taxed at 30% because you can be considered a non-resident, you are subject to a 30% minimum tax rate at all incomes earned.

Since you are probably just a university student you are probably considered a non-resident for taxation purposes. You can lodge a tax return at the end of the financial year (July) and claim a tax return.


New Member
May 1, 2013
Casual or whatever doesnt matter super needs to be paid....

"Generally, you're entitled to super guarantee contributions from an employer if you're between 18 and 69 years old (inclusive) and paid $450 or more (before tax) in a month. It doesn't matter whether you're full time, part time or casual, and it doesn't matter if you're a temporary resident of Australia.

If you're under 18 you must meet these conditions and work more than 30 hours per week to be entitled to super contributions. If you're a contractor paid wholly or principally for your labour, you're considered an employee for super purposes and entitled to super guarantee contributions under the same rules as employees."

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