Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job
W O O L W O R T H S Job Guide
Like the title this is a straightforward guide on how to get a job with Woolworths- the easy way. This is basically what i did to get a job. [2 yrs ago]
I Beleive this is the current Woolworths application site:
when i first joined they were only just bringing this in so i handed in my resume, and applied online to givemyself more of a chance.
make sure you do the online application, if you need help doing this you probably arent smart enough to work with woolworths. This FAQ details what to do after this process. A few helpful hints is to lie: say you are available all the time and in general try and make yourself seem like someone who would be really good to work with.
How to get an interview
give it 2 weeks tops then ring your central woolworths e.g Although I am within 15mins drive of atleast 4 different woolworths stores, Woolworths Wollongong would be the central and most important one. Make sure this store is close enough to work at- otherwise pick the next most important store. Ask to speak to the store manager and complain that you applied 2 weeks ago and have yet to receive a response. Make him[or her] promise that someone will call you for an interview. If this doesnt happen within 1 week call again. He will cave in eventually and you will get a phone interview.
Phone interview
This part is really simple. It only takes like 10 mins and its just to ensure you are serious about the job. Have ready a good reason why you want to work for woolworths. My answer was something like: "I have always respected woolworths for their stance in hiring young people from my community. They are an environmentally responsible company and i would enjoy working in the clean and safe work environment that they provide" I said this because it shows my knowledge of the company [ they hire lots of young people, the green bags thing and their interest in recycling] and it sounds like a legitimate reason of wanting to work in a safe and clean store.
Towards the end of this iterview they will ask when you are available for a group interview. Dont be hesitant to not accept the date they put forward first.. you are on the list now so you can pick a date that suit you- that said its best to show you are flexible and accept the first date they give unless you have a good reason.
If you already have a decent Resume skip this section.
You should make your Resume go for one page and have reference information on the second. The reason for this is that in picking an applicant, Employers rarely give more than a glance over the Resume, if it is on one page it sums up the info so that they dont need to more than glance- and if they are interested your details are clearly seen.
i found this site:
http://www.nextsteps.org/resume/res1.html useful in helping me make my resume. This site also offers a decent Resume guide:
In the interests of helping people make a simple, easy to read resume i will show the one i used. Keep in mind this was 2 yrs ago so it isnt top quality, but it is all the basic info they need set out in a simple, easy to read manner. It works so well for Woolworths that you could basically just insert your own details in the necessary sections like the subject you are studying/ did study in school [ maybe include UAI if you finished school] and your contact and reference details and you are set to go.
So if you are lazy just hand in my resume with your own details, its good enough to get a job at Woolies.[ i uploaded it so its at the bottom of this post]
Group interview
This is the next step. This is pretty important so try and look your best. Being the smartass iam, i wore black work pants, black polished shoes, a white shirt, a black belt and i wore a nice tie - i.e business wear. Make sure you bring your resume+ refernces with you.
nothing you do will prepare you better for the interview than reading all 17 of these guides in how to best present yourself at the interview:
The interview consists of around 20 applicants and several group activities including one where you have to work together to solve problems and a " introduce the person next to you" thing. The important thing to do in this is not get the answer right but make yourself stand out. Be outgoing and putforward the person next to you as if they are the best person for the job - for better than you. i did and i saw him again in training- sucessful in getting a job.
Remember with the group activities scenario that there is no right on wrong answer, but they more interested in your reasoning.
for example one scenario was something like " a truck is waiting to be unloaded. At the same time a customer has been waiting to be served for a while now. You have just noticed a broken jar in isle 12. what do you do?"
My answer was along the lines of: The truck can get stuffed, customer safety and satisfaction is more important. I would grab a a slippery when wet sign and shove it next to the mess to warm customers of the danger but i would not clean it up straight away. I would then serve the customer. After that i would tell a co-worker to call someone to the backdock to take care of the truck whilst i go and clean up the mess.
As long as you show assertiveness and your answers are based on company-supported ideals [ like customer safety and superior service] then you will be tight everytime.
Last thing is a little test its simple things like they will list a barcode and then give you several options below it and you have to pick the right one e.g:
a: 4857302
b: 4739691
c: 4756947
speed is important but dont get any wrong, The test only goes for 5 mins so they are looking for what number you got up to and also how accurate u were.
there is also a section orders pretty simple stuff like:
an order was given for:
7 boxes of x12 kleenex 225 hypo-allergic tissues
then a few more different types.
We received: 7boxes x12 Kleenex 190 hypo-allerfic tissues.
Then they will list some and you tick wether that particular order was right or not. Obviously with this one you would not pass the order so dont tick it.
Finally there will be question time. Dont sit there like a stunned fish, ask a question! It makes you stand out from the crowd and shows your interest in the company- even if it is something lame like " Whats it like working for Woolworths" lol my interviewer talked for like 5 mins on that one and i was the only one to ask a decent question not pay related.
Lastly on your way out make sure you thank your interviewer for their time and ask when they will be contacting you with the good news. Then say goodbye. i was also the only one to do this. I heard that asking for the job is important when you leave the interview but instead i just cockily presumed i got it.
Second interview
You will be contacted like within 1 week if you have been sucessful and to meet with the store manager. if they dont contact you you should have got the number of your interviewer// human resources manager. ring him or her. If not ring the store and ask to be put through to them, or ask to talk to the store manager and find out what is going on.
This interview is just a formality to make sure the manager would not have any personality issues with you. Just wear the same stuff, bring another copy of your resume + references and be polite. Talk about your life and where you are going and give them a good reason to hire you, talk about how you are hardworking, outgoing, a team player e.g all the usual bullshit.
If you dont pass this you are doing something wrong, this is the easiest process cause you allready have your foot in the door.
What next?
Next you will either get told at the end of the interview or called later to see if you were sucessful. Then they schedual your "induction" which is basically you watch these simple training videos and do a few simple exercises. its real basic but you get paid for it. After that they see if u can apply this knowledge e.g how to pick stuff up properly, how to use a ladder, how to use a pallet-jack and if u do something dangerous or stupid you might get let go so be sensible and pay attention during induction.
Then you go to your store and do a 3 month probationary period with some in-store training on how shit operates, rosters etc. all pretty simple.
Oh and i forgot, make sure you have a TFN, a bank account all the usual shit, i didnt at the time but its pretty simple to set up. I also reccomend you join the union[ i.e the SDA] as protection against bullshit like when they fuck around with your roster or in worst case- unfair dissmissal but generally woolworths is pretty good.
Good luck with getting a job, its pretty simple and the pay is decent for such easy work.
look for my next guide: How not to get fired- sneaky tips on how to bludge at work and look like the model employee