Need help finding technique for quotes! :( (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 1, 2017
Hi, does anyone have any idea what language techniques or any technique i could talk about for any of these quotes? If you have any idea pleaseee help. Thank you so much! I always have trouble finding techniques...I'm choosing out of these quotes which ones I should mention in my essay.

"One village can speak for many villages. One victim can speak for many victims"

"you know I would believe your arguments more if you had lived here, you can't just slip in, make a discovery and leave"

"I know you feel the purpose of truth is more complicated, that it's sometimes more dangerous if you tell the truth"

"Everyone is scared Anil. It's a national disease"

'truth bounced between gossip and vengeance. Rumour slipped into every car and barbershop'

Also these quotes are from the book Anil's Ghost.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
Not sure if you still need this, but anyway, good practice for me... :D

'truth bounced between gossip and vengeance. Rumour slipped into every car and barbershop'
Embodiment is the best word for this, as tangible qualities are given to otherwise abstract ideas ("truth" and "rumour" are embodied as tangible objects that can "[slip in]" and "[bounce]").

"Everyone is scared Anil. It's a national disease"
Don't know the context, but it's probably either metaphor or hyperbole. Hopefully, you can either figure which of these it is, or else ask your teacher.

"One village can speak for many villages. One victim can speak for many victims"
Mesodiplosis. Fancy term that means "repetition of the same word(s) in the middle of successive sentences". There's also parallel structure in the sentences ("One _____ can speak for many ______"). There's even anaphora, cos it starts with "One" (in case you're wondering what anaphora means, it's just starting successive clauses/sentences/etc. with the same word(s)).

Sorry, no idea about the rest, but you did ask for any help at all, so I gave you it.

Anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong about anything I just said. :)

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