Recent content by bad9000

  1. B

    Bow Pics

    Haha, players! I just thought the markers wouldn't mind having something a bit easier to look at......but i guess it is just saying..."is it worth getting to the top, if you have all these media and public pressures?" Anyway, here's one of the colour ones, see if u reckon it...
  2. B

    Bow Pics

    Wat the hell.....i'll put one more of em up since its so easy to do. Hopefully you can all see who these are meant to be.
  3. B

    Bow Pics

    Hey, just thought i would put one of my drawings for my BOW on here and see wat people thought. My idea was based on the pressures of the Australian cricketers versus the more fun and larrikinish approach the guys in my local country cricket team take. I did 3 large charcoals and 3 large...