Recent content by ~bumchum~

  1. ~bumchum~

    working at supre

    thanx for the help melc! and minka..i found out abt the new supre opening up, and i figured that they wud need people to work there...and so i went to the website and emailed it. I actually sent it like a week past the date where the applications supposedly i dun get how i got the...
  2. ~bumchum~

    working at supre

    hey guys! is anyone here working at supre? i got an interview to work at the old gowings store, and im just wondering if previous interviewees could shed some light on what they got asked..what kind of questions are they likely to ask.. and also..wat do u wear? do u wear the typical...
  3. ~bumchum~

    whoz doin a MRS course!!

    omg omgg! i think im writin like..."HOW" to communicate instead of WHY..omg omg omg..*runz in circles* ..even tho i try 2 not reali tork abt jus pops uP!...argh!!!
  4. ~bumchum~

    whoz doin a MRS course!!

    la la la! im doin radiation therapy.. anyone else doin a medical radiation science?? (and hows that mastery essay goin??) jus curious! :D mwa mwa
  5. ~bumchum~

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    my course is in my sig! :D
  6. ~bumchum~

    medical science at uws?

    is anyone goin 4 that course or anyone currently doing it????
  7. ~bumchum~

    Hsc: Exposed And Uncut

    the completely over-rated...amen..
  8. ~bumchum~

    Supplementary Texts - Physical

    hey juz wonderin..for physical journeyz..if ur lyk..doin the immigrant chronicle for tha main text......does that mean ur related material has to be related to the IMMIGRANT CHRONICLE??????
  9. ~bumchum~

    effect of light on phenotype of plant

    oka..guyz..i gota do this experiment and itz abt tha effect of light on the phenotype of plant...and so basicaly i put plantz in tha light...and some in tha dark...buh im not sure watz supposed 2 happen....ive done research buh all i get is all this biological BLA BLA that i dun
  10. ~bumchum~

    Spartan Government

    hrmmm...i guess a role play wud b REAAALI gud...u can dress up and stuf...and really b whoeva u gotta be...buh also a powerpoint presentation would be pretty gud too!..get creative i spose...loll...hrmz...or lyk..someone could be doing a talk..while in the background u got people doing tha...
  11. ~bumchum~

    Old Kingdom - WENI

    hey guyz...i hve a speech due on monday...ive basically done it all..i jus need sum tipz on wat u guyz think should be tha core of this speech...herez tha question: Imagine you are WENI (from tha 6th dynasty). Explain what ur career as a general reveals abt the importance of foreign invasion...
  12. ~bumchum~


    Transformation is just an excuse for using someone elses idea What does the process of transformation involve? oka..thiz iz my essay question...i wanna kno wat u guyz think..and tha kinda stuf i shud say..i gota say if i agree or disagree with tha quote..but im not too sure on how i put them...
  13. ~bumchum~

    notez on old kingdom

    does NEONE hve NE notez on old kingdom? more focus abt tha women and tha lives of them? coz i got an assessment due thursday n i cant find NETHIN,..NEWHERE!! not even on tha net..n itz 15 markz..n i duno wa tha hell 2 rite!..plz sumone help me...livez of women...itz reali appreciated..thanx heapz!
  14. ~bumchum~

    neone with topic summaries on sparta?

    oh oh oh! 2 pretty plz? addy iz thaaaaaanxxx!! = )