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  1. B

    Carrotsticks' Solutions 2015 Extension 1 HSC

    Re: Carrotsticks' Solutions 2015 Extension 2 HSC1 If I go from v^2=(x-1)^2 to v=x-1 without talking about the negative part, will I get full marks?
  2. B

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    what hsc mark would 58/70 be?
  3. B

    General thoughts: HSC chemistry 2015

    What would low 60's raw get me?
  4. B

    General thoughts: HSC chemistry 2015

    Does anyone remember if the graph was meant to be plotted or did we have to draw a line of best fit? I might have lost some easy marks :(
  5. B

    General thoughts: HSC chemistry 2015

    I accidentally left the graph in pencil, will they still be able to see it?