Recent content by chelloveck

  1. chelloveck

    International Students

    What because i don't want to put traditional Australian culture in terms of cliches and simplifications you're suggesting there is no such thing as traditional Asutralian culture? Cultural isurgence in any form is bad in my opinion, whether it be American or the "special Asian culture". It's...
  2. chelloveck

    International Students

    Culture isn't really something tangible that you can describe. Well you can, but it always just comes out as cliches and simplifications. You really should know what traditional Australian culture is.
  3. chelloveck

    International Students

    why do those negative images spring to mind when i talk about traditional australian culture? what springs to mind when i say something about current urban aboriginal culture, just out of curiosity?
  4. chelloveck

    International Students

    I basically just don't like seeing the delapidation of destinct cultures. And that's what is happening in Fenner. I really don't think this makes me an advocate for war and genocide - quite the opposite in fact.
  5. chelloveck

    International Students

    Yeah but that's the thing...then they're assimilating and apparently that's evil. But i'm the same, i love finding out about different cultures, hence the anthropology major, but when a certain culture starts detracting from another culture, i don't like it. I like Australian culture, and I...
  6. chelloveck

    International Students

    That's exactly it, those "cultural/culture-shock reasons" are exactly why multi-culturalism doesn't work. Differences in culture are immensely interesting to me, but to cram two totally different (and in many ways conflictingcul) cultures in the same environment is a stupid idea. It means both...
  7. chelloveck

    International Students

    tell me, which hall of residence are you in?
  8. chelloveck

    International Students

    This year at my hall of residence we have reached over 55% international students. I have two problems with this; firstly, the term "international student" kinda implies a large diversity of people from all over the world, whereas, out of this 55%, i could guarantee that at least 45% are East...
  9. chelloveck

    Life of Pi

    i love it too. but i only loved it up to the carnivorous island. actually no, until he ran into the cannibal. as you said, the symbolism and imagery is just amazing, and the behaviorual zoology and social interactions just intrigued me, especially because they were described so well. BUT, i...
  10. chelloveck

    Homosexuality - Choice or No? Disorder or No?

    mmmm true dat. but if one's arguing that it's totally biology (not culture at all) that renders one homosexual, then that refutes natural selection. that's probaby why there's so little biological determinists regarding this subject, hey?
  11. chelloveck

    Life of Pi

    anyone else read this? i'd be really interested to hear some opinions on it...
  12. chelloveck

    Homosexuality - Choice or No? Disorder or No?

    yeah if you argue that people can be exclusively gay with no hetero drives at all in terms of their biology, it kinda refutes the idea of natural selection. i mean the gay allele would be bred out within one generation.
  13. chelloveck

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    i wonder if you'd say the same of the african american thug rap culture? of course you wouldn't, cause you're one of those ignorant idiots brainwashed by band waggon left wing pinkos to hate anything that is white or status quo. the irony here is your perspective is very european (i.e. seeing in...
  14. chelloveck

    R All Males Sleazes??

    thankyou. you are one the people that has contributed to me having no desire to have sex with my girlfirend. because of people like you i associate my want of intimacy with my girlfriend with sleasiness, and i don't want to be be sleasy to my girlfriend. this means that me and my girlfriend...