Recent content by chriscity1

  1. C

    80% Raw aligned to 90? or was it too easy exam?

    Coheren - Bone 5777 is't right. the lower your raw mark is, the higher it scales ( to a point). I know because my friend got 96% in the trials and it didn't scale up at all according to the scaling algorithm. But my other friend got bellow 20 % and it scaled up to the mid 50's. I got 72% raw...
  2. C

    The 2004 HSC - Ancient History Paper

    I did the Macedonian one.
  3. C

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    good for you mizz smee got any plans for schoolies?
  4. C

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    bahodl "currently wearing pants" lol
  5. C

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    I Personally Have Some Thing To Say To Alexander The Great> Your A Fag!!!!!
  6. C

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    i don"t know maybe i should have said sex! sex! sex! as a forum title> that what have gotten every bodies attention wouldn"t it
  7. C

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    feel free to write your thoughts
  8. C

    wow like not many people care about ancient history

    Well I'm finished for my school life. New resolutions - get car, lose pale Zomby look (not infashion at the moment), dust off Gym membership, get job, get money, get Girlfriend (the two go together), FORGET ABOUT ANCIENT HISTORY!!!
  9. C

    Spartan Society

    So are you ppls gonna like use ancient history at uni ?
  10. C

    Spartan Society

    I know exactly what I should have written!!!! - Last part talk about the agoge + Spartan education of Women - Marriage, festivals etc. ownership talk about women controlling property 2/5 Talk about men being given an allotment of Kleros - I should have talked about how the Spartans took...
  11. C

    wow like not many people care about ancient history

    We came up with a good way of clearing the confusion with the paper - we all ripped out our questions !!!!!
  12. C

    The 2004 HSC - Ancient History Paper

    I did Alexander, Sparta, Greece 500 - 440 and Punic wars by the way
  13. C

    The 2004 HSC - Ancient History Paper

    Wow you guys are so much better then the Ext 2 math nerds - you don't see them giving any encouragement....
  14. C

    The 2004 HSC - Ancient History Paper

    thinks high fiver. I'm finished too! Doesn't feel good yet....