Recent content by cookie munchie

  1. cookie munchie

    Hellllllp!!!!!!!!!! Marie Antoinette related text

    Message to saygoodbye: what you say I agree with however if you ignore the historical misinterpretation what does the film say about pride and how does that relate to the possible thesis that pride is a human weakness that leads to our lust for power, thus manifesting powerplays between...
  2. cookie munchie

    Hellllllp!!!!!!!!!! Marie Antoinette related text

    Cruel as you are i do not wish the same thing to happen to you....
  3. cookie munchie

    Hellllllp!!!!!!!!!! Marie Antoinette related text

    Help!!!!!!! my teacher says i should change my related text for power play and i only have Marie Antoinette and i was thinking of using thesis is that pride is a human weakness that leads to our lust for power, thus manifesting powerplays between political, collective and sexual...
  4. cookie munchie

    Speeches! Help!

    hmmmmmmmmmm i think that helps....anyhow thank you for spending time on helping me .....greatly appreciated :)
  5. cookie munchie

    Speeches! Help!

    Hi im doing socrates and goldman and i have to write about textual integrity and content, language as well as construction AND give a personal response....HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! I know these speeches are similar in some way.....but how? please help...your help is much appreciated:)
  6. cookie munchie

    help !!Erin brockovich

    Does anyone think erin brockovich is a good related text for Antony and Cleopatra? I've watched the movie however i couldn't find many techniques like camera angles, different lighting, etc. Could someone please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. cookie munchie

    Confused frontline? birthday letters? the justice game?

    oh i understand now...they are electives and you choose one to study...i see i see. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me :)
  8. cookie munchie

    Confused frontline? birthday letters? the justice game?

    i have a question: right now at school im studying antony and cleopatra for module C so what is all this talk about frontline and birthday letters and the justice game, what do they have to do with module C????
  9. cookie munchie

    help with leunig cartoon please!!!

    i would have used that, however i had to use a text studied in class and we didnt study that in class, so yes, coludnt use it.
  10. cookie munchie

    newspaper and magazine articles relating to imag. journeys???

    Well I talked about how children use their imagination to create a "world of secret languages” that gives them “a sense of power” it creates a world where only they exists, it exiles the world and gives them a sense of protection. Use their imagination to create a safe world and etc. :)
  11. cookie munchie

    help with chemistry assignment

    Hi, could some one help me with this question please, it for my chem assignment Identify one use of a named radioisotope in - Industry - Medicine Describe in detail how the isotope is used. Relate the use with its chemical properties. its a three mark question
  12. cookie munchie

    newspaper and magazine articles relating to imag. journeys???

    wow....that's pretty goood, thanks for that...however i already found an article that deals with IJ in the SMH, is about how children are able to make up their own "world of secert languages" and how it gives them "a sense of power". But thanks anyway..sorry about that.
  13. cookie munchie

    the secret garden

    I think the Secret Garden is a realy good imaginative text that canbe related to coleridge's poems about nature. well that's what I've been told and i think it is a good related text. But i need others opinions please. is it really that good??????????
  14. cookie munchie

    help with leunig cartoon please!!!

    Hi I m doing an assessment about imaginative journeys and the question is “analyse how concepts of imaginative journeys are presented in these texts” and I’m trying to relate it to this to Limetree and Kubla Khan as well as Secret Garden…….Any ideas? Would appreciate it a lot. Have the test on...