Recent content by jackyboy

  1. J

    Chef as a alternatice Career?

    hell no... i done workplacement for hosp and after 1 week, i was like f### that.
  2. J

    Methods Of Cookery-notes

    aw.. this is pretty unreliable.. i never recieved the email of the hosp notes... pls could u just attach it?.. make life easier....
  3. J

    Hsc Hospo Notes Anyone?!?!?!

    ummm why dont u just attach the notes as a document or zip on the forums?... itll save u the time of emailing everyone...
  4. J

    Methods Of Cookery-notes

    hey i would like u to send me ur hospo notes please, thnx. u should also make a thread and attach the notes so people can easily download the file on the go.. thnx anywayz.
  5. J

    Detailed notes on Info Sys n Dbs

    hey kool, wot topics would i have to study for half-yearly exam?