Recent content by jgirl<><

  1. jgirl<><

    anybody regretting design and tech?!

    oh yeh, i should have dropped it instead of hospo which i was acutally good at even tho i didnt enjoy. I dont understand much of the whole thing either
  2. jgirl<><

    Holy Day

    Its hard to find stuff on this play and especially on Andrew Bovell. I'm doing Holy Day for Promotion and Program
  3. jgirl<><

    Help I need some related material for Holy Day

    If u have or know of any pieces of related material could you please post it here Thanks :)
  4. jgirl<><

    Is anyone else doing holy day for their major work?

    i reckon the shawl would have been brown or cream... just my opinion Also in my log book i wanna put in some related material.. have you guys got any ideas?- J-Girl<><
  5. jgirl<><

    Did anyone get taught anything in DT?

    think about it there isnt really all that much to learn and thats why its the same situation for eneryone its ok guys just chill... :)
  6. jgirl<><

    Drama Individual Project Subforums!

    i think its an awesome idea
  7. jgirl<><

    Is anyone else doing holy day for their major work?

    If so what did you think if it and what question r u doing? I'm doing promotion and program