Recent content by kahuna14

  1. K

    help with msn and password rememberers

    how do u make it not remeber ur password or auto sign in. i go to options, but the tab isnt even ticked, so how do i make it not remmeber my password. also, wen u go to a site, n it asks u to type in ur password, n if u want them to remmeber it or not, how do u make them not remmeber them...
  2. K

    washing hair once a week?

    i read in the newspaper , that if u had thick blah blah hair, then you should wash at least once a week, so yeh. jst curious how its done, thats quite dirty but isnt it, hair would be all greasy
  3. K

    washing hair once a week?

    wat does this mean? does it mean that you dont shampoo, or like you dont put any of ur hair under water, or jst leave it completely dry, n wen in shower, dnt get it wet at all?
  4. K

    few accounting qs

    thanks. and also wat kind of account is gst recoverable?
  5. K

    few accounting qs

    1. wats diff with perpetual and periodic inventory? and 2. when writing off a bad debt under the ageing method, is it dr allowance for doubtful debts and cr acounts receivable, or is it meant to be dr doubtful debts expense? thanks
  6. K

    dont you love ebay :D

    ok for all you ppl who sell stuff on ebay, how do u cancel the selling account. dont like it how my credit card is on the site
  7. K

    how do u get SOFT hair?

    wher do u get pps from and wat ar the best shampoos, iv been using pantene, n i rekon it sucks, but then i hvnt used ne others for ages
  8. K

    Hoyts Employees

    anyone working at fox?
  9. K

    qma ... binding n non binding constraints

    wat ar singular and non singular matrices?
  10. K

    qma ... binding n non binding constraints

    wat are binding and non binding constraints. in wat type of qs can they ask you about these. thanks
  11. K

    centrelink youth allowance

    if u get youth allowance rite, n u start working, wats the max u can earn, or how does centrelink deal with this?
  12. K

    Hoyts Employees

    if hoyts ask u to come in for orientation for 3 hrs, and to bring in bank stuff ... does that mean you got the job?