Recent content by Lucifer8745

  1. L

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    my school totally sucks..... we were nowhere near the top 200....:jedi: hopefully we do better this year:)
  2. L

    Favourite band?

    Mine is Disturbed, Slayer and Slipknot... I cannot decide which one i like more
  3. L

    How much sleep do we need?

    Well, i go to sleep around midnight-1 pm and get up at 6:30 am and by the time i get to period i at 8:30 i am tottally awake...the only problem with this is that it is sometimes hard to get up
  4. L

    Year 11 Study Time

    how can you say that you didnt do well with a UAI that good??? id say i did well if i got 80+