Recent content by mam_2011

  1. M

    HELP! Macq vs. ACU vs. ND!

    Ok so I am looking to transfer into a b teaching (primary) at one of these uni's (Macquarie, ACU or Notre Dame) because I currently hate my degree blah blah. Anyway, I have no idea where to go... ACU is apparently renowned for its teaching courses, although I am not too keen on going there...
  2. M

    The likelihood of getting into combined law with EAS points

    So my atar is 98.7... a full point below last years cut off. What do you think my chances are, if i have EAS points of up to 1.3 (according to the Sydney website), of getting in? Does this happen often?
  3. M

    CSSA Gen maths marks!

    this is definitely the exam i am most worried about in terms of marks... i'm usually a 95+ student in general maths and this was the first time i actually didn't know how to answer some questions... this thread definitely makes me feel better about how i performed though, i guess it was just a...
  4. M

    Is the School Cert important?

    quick answer yes. with the new laws saying u can't leave till 17, sc basically is the be all and end all of your education on a real note, don't study for it! i got a low band 5 average for sc because i didn't give a shit and now i'm sitting on a band 6 average for hsc... sc means crap in the...
  5. M

    CHRISTIAN SEXUAL ETHICS: urgent question

    So I was discussing with my teacher about my notes regarding christian sexual ethics and I told her I outlined in my notes homosexuality, contraception, and pre-marital sex, and she told me I would need another 'in-depth' issue, as she said pre/extra-marital sex wouldn't have that much to talk...
  6. M

    Nocturnals V.S Early Birds

    Well, I think that either is effective as long as you get enough sleep before an exam. However I'm being hypocritical as today is the day of my english paper 2 trial and last night i stayed up until 2 practicing and woke up at 530 to practice more. When I tried to get to sleep though I found it...
  7. M

    Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (Honours)

    Ok, so I've heard a little about this degree and I'm considering it for post-HSC but I'm not sure what it is exactly. From what I gather it's basically a regular arts degree with the first year taken off and with less flexibility in terms of subjects etc. Is this right? I'm also wondering if...
  8. M

    Waste of potential?

    I'm basically in the same boat... At the start of this year I was set on doing teaching, but after telling anyone this I was told I could do much better. This has brought me to my wits end because I don't know if I'm interested in anything else enough to study it at Uni but I don't want everyone...
  9. M

    Relationships & HSC

    For me, being in a relationship does take it's toll on study... I remember when my boyfriend was doing his HSC I found it so hard because it felt like he just didn't want to spend time to talk or be with me. Now that I'm doing my own HSC I know how hard it is to maintain a relationship in which...
  10. M

    ATAR Estimate :)

    haha well hopefully i go to the school you think i go to
  11. M

    ATAR Estimate :)

    Just wondering if I stay along these ranks what would I get :) (I'm aiming for 98+) My school rank is 150~ Ancient History: 5/67 English Advanced: 1/156 English Extension: 1/18 General Maths: 1/238 Society and Culture: 4/63 Spanish Beginners: 5/17 SOR1: 4/46 Btw, I have a pretty huge form at...