Recent content by MaryBee

  1. M

    Anyone into photography?

    ^^^ wow I love that one (: I'm into film also nothing professional though, videos consist of Visual effects also. Heres one with an Olympus, not a professional one though.
  2. M

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    wow I feel sorry for you CecilyMare :( & damn I feel bad for those with stereotypical asian parents! My mum is becoming more understanding since my dad has left etcetc. (goddam my dad was a traditional-ish asian, kinda glad he i'snt around even though he was NEVER abusive or anything)...
  3. M

    Facial Hair/Beard

    I reckon facial hair is attractive but definitely not the brad pitt styles!
  4. M

    Hmm ... three things that are always on your mind?

    - HSC (eagerness to finish yr 12) - Sucess in the job on passionate about - Getting toned
  5. M

    Does God exist?

    Lol man why argue about it I don't believe in it and I accept the fact that people believe in god.
  6. M

    World of Warcraft

    Its possible to do well but really, its a big impact on your HSC. my friend started playing it during the end of term 2 holidays. and now its First week back starting monday, he hasn't come to school yet and its already Thursday. EDIT: Currently trying to sell my account >.<
  7. M

    True Blood

    Season 3 is SOOOO goood Im up to episode 5 If anyone's read the books.. Alcide hotdamn.
  8. M

    Religious affiliation

    none, have my reasons. although I don't discriminate what other people beliefs. But I feel so FREEEEEEE
  9. M

    Relationships & HSC

    No, I reckon just find a balance & patience