Recent content by Natto

  1. Natto

    Need A SUMMARY

    OK ... I want to keep it frank so here is my situation, ah I NEED an Ideas to implementation summary! So I was wondering if someone could give me one that I can edit and change to suit me. I just dont ant to do one from scratch cause I DONT HAVE THE TIME. So if anyone knows of one, or has one I...
  2. Natto

    Anyone doing the same as me?

    im a stinky fag
  3. Natto

    Please help me achieve my Photoshop potential

    your gay
  4. Natto


    Ok guys I want to hear some views and reasons as to which elective is the best :)
  5. Natto

    Stupid Copywrite Thingy

    lol - Yeah sure go for it, I wont COPYWRITE it :p
  6. Natto

    Stupid Copywrite Thingy

    Yeah we are stealing, I guess, If you wanna look at it that way. I prefer thinking that we are sampling a small part of an album, and sharing them with others. And Whoopdi Doo if Eminem or Madonna cant buy another mansion in holywood, because we are not buying their album.... I am sure they...
  7. Natto

    Stupid Copywrite Thingy

    Hey Everyone :), I have been browsing Kazaa lately, and downloading some songs, and until now I have had no problems. ;) But recently I have downloaded a couple of songs that have this high pitch screech half way through them, sometimes the whole song is this unbearable sound. An example...
  8. Natto

    English asses

    I just got all "A"s in my outcomes for a "panel discussion" I had to create, Based on Inner Journeys. LOL- I was soooo shocked cause I am sure our teacher is a nazi! Well - me no complain. I HATE INNER JOURNEYS they smell! he he
  9. Natto


    Thank you!
  10. Natto


    LOL - Yeah Its outta the simpsons, Well I am going to visit my girl now, See ya dude!
  11. Natto


    Dude Its just something I say - It just means that I dont really care. It wasn't a real question :) :) :)....
  12. Natto


    I need an IPT student to help me, "calling all IPT students i have an emergency (soughta)"
  13. Natto


    Yeah man, Id be a gold medalist! :0 I know I need to work, but I dont have enough motivation! Meh - what are ya gonna do?
  14. Natto


    yeah I tried using that HTML shit but I am just not nerdy enough, and by nerdy I mean I aint smart enough.
  15. Natto


    lol :) Sounds like me, waking up early to do work! But I would never do geography - I am crap at it and its so f*#king boring (no offense). But actually I would set my alarm with intent to do work, but then when it went off the next morning I would just ignore it till it stops, then go...