Recent content by pooshwaltzer

  1. P

    Who is the best math tutor in Aus?

    Seriously, I'm the best* mafamatix, ingrish and physikz cum kemistree tutor in Melbourne...make that outer S.E Melbourne. . . . . . . * See Terms & Conditions
  2. P

    3 Unit Maths HSC Exam Revision

    dA/dt = 4(t^3) - 12t d^2A/dt^2 = 12(t^2) -12 = 0 t = |1| Sorry, I've no bloody clue.
  3. P

    Question 2advs & disadvs of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

    Basics Monetary policy is typically implemented by a central bank, while fiscal policy decisions are set by the national government. However, both monetary and fiscal policy may be used to influence the performance of the economy in the short run. In general, a stimulative monetary policy...
  4. P

    Equations Reducible to Quadratics

    i would've logged the whole thing
  5. P

    How hard is Actuarial Studies

    Thanks to actuarial studies, I've much more context in selecting the type and provider of various insurance and annuity stream products.
  6. P

    Historical Investigation help required :(

    Prior historical examples w.r.t the Hiroshima incident would be rare since that event had proven itself to be a defining moment in history and turning point in global geo-political dynamics. The use of the then nuclear option was more to do with halting Soviet advancement (spread of Communism)...
  7. P

    Help? ;D [Educating rita]

    Muriel's Wedding" is an aesthetically crude ugly-duckling fantasy that is shrewdly designed as a low-brow audience pleaser. This Miramax acquisition from Australia trades on the perennial appeal of the theme of building self-esteem by showing up the people who have always held you down, and...
  8. P

    Help? ;D [Educating rita]

    Humanity and social interaction is ALL about relationships. Otherwise, they'd be no issue of conflict with regards to individual moral and social choices. That is, fledgling personalities must learn to deal with co-existence and accept the reality that civilization is community and thereby NOT...
  9. P

    Help? ;D [Educating rita]

    INTRO It's often the case that relationships between human persons are always political, and politics is the source of our alienation from each other, our alienation cannot be healed merely by socialising. A moral [apolitical] sociability could give us a healing [non-violent] bridge between...
  10. P


    ...awww, beaten!
  11. P

    Rules for Customers

    Re: Not sure if this has been said or not Oh-em-gee, you sound more like a prison warden than a McD store operator. Which outlet is this? Is it located adjacent to the gates of Hades?
  12. P

    ORT for conformity and the individual?

    A man for all seasons The life of Pi Omagh
  13. P

    Legal speech

    Product labelling laws - ordinary supermarket items which stipulate "Made in XXX" vs. "Product of XXX" vs. "Mfg from local & imported ingredients" etc. Service contract ToU - internet plans, mobile, telephony, cable TV etc. Intellectual Property & EULA - software, patented drugs...
  14. P

    Esterification Experiment? Esters are derived from carboxylic acids. A carboxylic acid contains the -COOH group, and in an ester the hydrogen in this group is replaced by a hydrocarbon group of some kind. We shall just be looking at cases where it is...
  15. P

    Are footnotes included in the 2500 word count?

    Footnotes, ToC, tables, diagrams/figures, captions (within reasonable limits) are precluded from the actual work count.