Recent content by Quilan

  1. Q

    Pastiche/ Intertextuality in Orlando

    Well the wrapping up of stuff is alluding to Christo, thought i dont think its any particular work of his/their's. most of the poems used are existing ones (such as Orlando reciting in the beggining) - most, i think except the Nick Greene one. just tap them in google and find the name. I...
  2. Q

    Postmodern Techniques

    right, got you... i hope so semantically speaking, the techniques aren't 'postmodern techniques', they are techniques that are used in postmodern texts... so then, what we are meant to discuss/learn in the module (in regards to a response) is; 1. how composers use these techniques in...
  3. Q

    Postmodern Techniques

    Double posting as this post is unrelated to existential moment ^ Ok, Can we do a Pomo Techniques to texts too? Ill try start with Dead White Males, DWM: Mostly an analysis of postmodernism vs 'liberal humanism". But still uses certain postmodern techniques. TECHNIQUES * Blurring of...
  4. Q

    Supplementary Material: Postmodernism

    just some potential ones, that aren't mentioned (i think) Movies: TEAM AMERICA! Monty Pythons Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Tristam Shandy (book also, but its out atm [kinda]) Music: Frank Zappa, most other prog./experimental groups (if u can find techniques) Books (not 'real'/good...
  5. Q

    Postmodern Techniques

    Thanks heaps for the list, its good, adding, INTERTEXTUALITY however, i have some major issues in grappling these techniques, These techniques, although we associate with pomo, is not strictly pomo. I don't understand how we say that these techniques challenge 'conventions'...
  6. Q


    Postmodernist ideas aren't so much the issue that are hard (i think). The underlying belief, or lack thereof, that nothing is immutable is understood. Being part of generation Y, we are submerged in postmodernism to an endless degree. Children's books, TV commercials, movies all use some form...