Recent content by savannah

  1. savannah

    Half Yearlys

    mines only 1 hr with 10 multiple choice 2 short answer and one essay
  2. savannah


    imagine every single strand was split... wudnt that be attractive... like a broom
  3. savannah


    they split all the way up the shaft or split into heaps of ends... its amazing u can get 5 ended hairs.......
  4. savannah


    1. i know 2. not if your hair is already in bad condition. if its in good condition it will deteriorate 3. leave in conditioners only work after long periods of use (6 months or more)plus many contain silicone which coats the hair rather than penetrate the hair. Damaged hair is porous... so...
  5. savannah


    u can get foils for 4.50 each in crows nest at hair on burlington. this is the cheapset ive found..... i think for a full head of foils is 120 and it doesnt matter how many colours u use. instead of foils u can just get the colours "painted" on, i think this is better as a lot of ppl complain...
  6. savannah

    fashion ?

    maybe ppl FEEL like being "fashionable". and really fashion is all clothes.. if there was no "fashion" industry there would be no clothes and everyone would be wearing rags.. which of course would then be the "fashion". or would be naked whcih then...... would be the fashion also.
  7. savannah

    fashion ?

    ye exactly
  8. savannah

    fashion ?

    ye i know polo shirts r heaps expensice here. in polo shops in jakarta they only 25 dollars.... i guess cos its made around there..... but really... if with charging 25 dollars and getting a profit.... imagine how much of a profit they get charging 100 in sydney. GREEEEEED......... not just...
  9. savannah

    fashion ?

    gf wife same deal.
  10. savannah

    fashion ?

    ah ye i have............ sorry..........haha no "that seinfeld guy" is not gay. hes actually got a heaps hot gf.
  11. savannah

    fashion ?

    what... seinfeld? gay? whos gay on seinfeld??
  12. savannah

    fashion ?

    coloured shirts always look good itll only look gay if u are gay.. its how u carry urself. not that theres anything wrong with gay ppl.
  13. savannah

    fashion ?

    i bought jeans from bettina liano and a peach... suddenly had craving for a peach........ do other ppl get food cravings at random times too... or is it just me......
  14. savannah


    ye i used t every day for 2 yrs.... now im scared to even blow dry it
  15. savannah

    fashion ?

    u know a guys hot when he can pull off a pink shirt. i love when guys wear shirts like marcs ones always looks so hot... with like a jumper or jersey over shoulders... and baggy pants... and tall and muscly.... im remeniscing of hot shore guy i saw at head of the river last year.. mmmmmmmmmmmm