Recent content by senni

  1. senni

    Jerseys for yr 12 2006! (merged)

    i wanted to get GIGGLEGUTS on mine. but my principle da dumb whore wudnt allow it coz she rekons it wasnt "appropraite for a prefect" to haf it. coz it had 'GUTS' in it. watta MOLE. so i ended up getting TUBBY. haha ..
  2. senni

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats iv got 8 piercings all up. 3 on my rite ear, 2 on my left + my tragus piercing. my tongue n belly. iv only had my belly done 4 abt four mnthz n its kinda thinning out. like da flesh btween ware da balls go are gettin thinner n im kinda scared dat it mite jst fall off...