Recent content by shadow-tales22

  1. S

    Not working when i try and download resources!!

    Whenever i try and download a resource, it says i must 'log in' when in fact i am already logged in!! been happening ever since yesterday and peeeing me offf!!!!
  2. S

    you're hilarious. Love how you show complete losers as such below what they really are: LOSERS

    you're hilarious. Love how you show complete losers as such below what they really are: LOSERS
  3. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    all you can come back with is what music i like? God, just shows how lame you are.... GET UR OWN LIFE and get off teenager's websites you loser BAHAHAHAHAHA ur so fcking lame
  4. S

    Wheelchair man bashed.

    what does it matter what nationality they were? Either way, it was a horrendous, horrific crime.
  5. S

    Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia - SMH 08MARCH2010

    yes and i'm saying that it's not a welcoming, loving culture....
  6. S

    Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia - SMH 08MARCH2010

    very true points, but to answer your question: no, i don't think they give a damn.
  7. S

    Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia - SMH 08MARCH2010

    an aussie's favourite saying: 'this is my house'. nothing comes for nothing you can't merely look into their pantry and take something: you have to ask first. 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine'. This is the difference between Aussie's and Indians, Arabics, Europeans etc: family is...
  8. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    No, that was your pathetic responses.... umm i'm referring to your constant racial remarks in other posts as well.
  9. S

    hey michel, how do you get a signature?

    hey michel, how do you get a signature?
  10. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    why are people so racist and stupid?
  11. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    like i already stated, the Church has employed scientists to aid them in understanding things; it's not all about just religious facts- the Church believes in evolution etc. Therefore, they utilise some of the steps in the above ^^^ learn to read
  12. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    especially the racists, who make people feel ashamed that their country has such horrible people in it. If i was there parents i would feel ashamed that my children are such horrible, racist people
  13. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    umm genes do not determine a person's beliefs or moral actions/beliefs. i rest my case dumbo
  14. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    If Jesus never resurrected, then why would twelve men die for a blatant lie?
  15. S

    Why are Christians drunken fools?

    and exactly. U can't explain further than the literal point of what happens