Recent content by sooverit

  1. S

    Continuers at OHS?

    hey yep i do open high...and yep im freaking out about trials this week too...mines on friday, whens yours? i haven't even bothered doing the modules for ages, i've just been writing practice hsc papers. my listening and writing skills aren't great, but i've done quite a few past hsc listening...
  2. S

    open high?

    i have Michael Urricher, he is so lovely, very understanding and helpful thanks for the tip, i know i have to work on grammer, its just so hard to get motivated to study something as fun as german grammer....haha. i really need to work more consistently with german, i find if i haven't done any...
  3. S


    hallo, ich mache HSC Deutsch 2006. Ich lerne Deutsch an der Offnen Gymnasium. Ich muss dringend ueben, weil ich diese Woche eine Prufung habe!!! Meine Prufung ist drei Stunden lang!! Ist dass normal? Ich habe noch nie so eine lange Prufung gemacht...also, ich gehe jetzt studieren...hoorra!!
  4. S

    open high?

    thanks for that, i have my first big assessment on friday, its worth 40%!! yeah i think i learn in a similar way to you, i watch german movies and speak german to my parents who, conveniently, are german :) i think i struggle the most with grammer, as i have grown up doing it inuitively, and...
  5. S

    open high?

    hi, i'm doing open high german continuers for the hsc in 06. just wondering if anyone else was doing open high? if so, do you find you do practically nothing until just before exams...? or maybe thats just me with my expert procrastination and unorganisational skills..haha also, do you find it...