Recent content by tashaa

  1. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    u keep doing that luv =] heres another one you can materbate over ENJOY!!!
  2. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    incase u cant read i wasnt talking to you i was tlking to mr sasan160 so do me a favour and dont talk to me =] and to answer your question NO i dnt think people are thinking about me cause they barely know me luv. ciaoo
  3. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    oh did u think i was gone did you?... hehe i have been studying for my exams, id rather do that than sit her and tlk to people who masterbate =] xx
  4. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    i really dont care what your saying to be honest LOL okay your right i did attack other people and that was stupid coz if they want to masterbate okay go ahead =] dnt care bye
  5. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    thats okayy cause im not gonna waste my timeor even try convince u but u do have a point i must admit everybody here judges everybody i guess i just choose not to so thats fine if u think im a slut it actually doesnt bother me at all so yeah
  6. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    well i can tell yu that u dnt know me at all =] so really u typin that essay was a waste of time LOL but fair enough everyone thinks what they wanna think and it just comes to show what kind of person u are i can see that ur another judger
  7. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    whats with people and judging!!!... hop of the internet and go learn how to keep the peace and not judge.
  8. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    okay fair enough so what i got my own opinion, and everyones going crazy LOL and this one person actually rckons i have done it to myself, and im sayin i havent i dnt know how it feels but i dnt wanna try whats so badd, i think id rather do it with someone than play with myself.
  9. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    i sound like a slut do i? well let me tell u something if u knew what the definition of slut was then feel free to mention it, a slut is when u have more than one partner to fuk soo i have onli had the one partner so DNT JUDGE!! and next time u wanna call someone a slut look it up before u tlk...
  10. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    and when i said that ur sexually frustrated i meant that ur not gettin any vaginas thats why u play with urself too much =]
  11. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    i dnt play with myself to get an orgasim, there are other ways NORMAL ways of getting one,maybe u should try finding somone to help u and u might find that u quiet like it more than playin with urself. GOOD LUCK HUNNY!!
  12. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

  13. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    if ur a person who masterbates too then i think ur sexually frustrated cause once again ur not gettin enough pleasure =P
  14. T

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    soo watt!!... u guys can play with urselves, but i personally wouldnt so GET OVER IT!!... lol my friends sittin next to me, he says maybe u guys do it coz u aint gettin enough pleasure, so when u get bored u play with urselves lol awwww =[ thats no good.