Recent content by tofuboy

  1. T

    BJ's at schools

    male private school... just doesnt happen...(i hope....)
  2. T

    If an older girl likes a younger boy, is that incest?

    hmm.. i got a friend whos like obsessed with a older guy. the thing is, shes 18 and hes 27. what do you guys thing about it? wrong? or alright?
  3. T

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    ahha i have the exact same problem. i sleep in the front rows right in front of the lecturer (who btw is also my tute). lunch is also a factor that causes my sleepiness, but also some of the lecturers voices... u know, the ones that dunt annunciate their words... grrrrr bubble gum eh.... im...
  4. T

    UNSW Fare vs The Quad

    zomg the food is bloody expensive, but try the chicken/beef salad noodle at the pivilion. its actually okay. (im not sure if it'll cut ur life short by a few years, the beef looks kinda weird.....but meh)
  5. T

    What you hate about UNSW

    lol this is easy... 1) too many stairs 2) too many lines (for the most ridiculous 9am starts and standing in line at central for the bus) 3) stupid myUNSW is super slow (which basically screwed up my timetable cause it crashes every 5mins)
  6. T

    Transferring from BPsych

    yer im in bpsych atm. not that it matters anymore, but maintaining avg cred isnt that hard. if u manage to get into the course, you wouldnt have much of a problem staying it in. i think they once showed the stats for ppl dropping out or not making it to honours. i think it was only like 5 ppl...
  7. T

    Long Distance. One Year

    not sure if ur refering to me or the original poster, but wen i ask for tip/hints, i was more or less looking for stuff that ppl that had gone thru a LDR have experience and perhaps could help. i mean i know its going to be hard, but i think it worth a shot (well for me at least). all i know is...
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    Long Distance. One Year

    actually, i myself, is in a similiar situation. same thing, girlfriend, one year exchange (but in switzerland). any tips to make it work??