Recent content by Valo

  1. V

    Voldemort vs. Darth Vader, who would win?

    "As Dumbledore says "Nothing can bring back the dead, Harry" - therefore there is no contest!" whoever said this is a moron The emperor dies, and in time comes back to life. his soul is connected to the force. jedi can do that. vader could do this in time. channel his soul into another...
  2. V

    Byron Bay 06

    we should have a massive beach party on the 28th. which is like the tuesday i think. everyone chill out about the fights ey. its byron man. its a chillout location with some nice people. havent been there for years, but last time i went there were gang wars between the surfies and the "wogs,"...
  3. V

    Hardest to Sing

    definately MICRO CUTS by MUSE!! absolutely impossible to sing, the only person in this world that could possibley sing it is bellamy himself. :ninja:
  4. V

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    meh it was a pretty massive exam. i did the essay first got carried away, did 7 pages, got carried away went for around 55 minutes, then section 1 was hell annoying, im sick of them asking for journeys in general cus i dont think i covered it that well seeing as though my adv only does...
  5. V

    Big Day Out 2007!

    i love muse that much. i have also heard radiohead might be coming as they are touring, and tool.
  6. V

    X- Men 3

    This movie will most definately rock! not happy nightcrawler or gambit arent in it, but its good to see the Sentinals and Juggernaut in there. Theyve also got the danger room in this one so thatll be awesome
  7. V

    greatest love song?

    Can't take my eyes of you-muse
  8. V

    coheed and cambria this saturday

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO im going to the signing!!!! im so happy, but i need to beat all those stupid emos who line up like 5 hours before the actual event.
  9. V

    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    Yeha its a great movie, rachel mcadams is THE sex. had a mad rachel mcadams craving today in chemistry. fuck i hate chemistry.
  10. V

    Imogen Heap

    i love imogen heap! her songs are so cute and odd.
  11. V


    yeah i got some stupid moronic school thing that my parents wont let me get out of. I hate bam, it annoys me that he has like the perfect life. Those who bag out HIM, or any other band, for whatever reason...get a life. You can only bag them out when you have more money and fame than them...
  12. V

    coheed and cambria this saturday

    man, im totally fucking pissed, i can't make it to either...i have been waiting so long for them to come out and finally they do and i can't go cus of my parents, that sounds so emo. have fun though
  13. V


    Valo has the best voice, i love it, i want to go but i have things i need to do on that night, is there a signing at utopia????
  14. V

    Byron Beach Parties + Plans!! 2006

    All out! im going to be absolutely dead by the end of it!
  15. V

    Do you find yourself naturally smart?

    yeah those "determined" people who did that shit in like year 7,8,9,10 to get somewhere, are missing out. They won't have the knowledge being a kid brings. Therefore we are better than them.