Recent content by yangsta999

  1. Y

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    Bro if you are a Tasmanian student, 72nd percentile is more than enough to get an offer at UTAS. The cut-off for first round offers (unbonded) generally hovers around 73%+ but last year that went down to around 67% (two of my classmates received offers with exactly that) perhaps even lower...
  2. Y

    UNSW medicine entry question

    OP, don't lose all hope! I think amir's post is a bit harsh. You scored an ATAR of 97, and if you manage to get 2 HD, 1 D and 1 C, that is a GPA of 6.25 (using HD=7, D=6, C=5 correct me if I'm wrong). Now, I remembered that a GPA of 7 was equivalent to an ATAR of 99.5 for UNSW's official...
  3. Y

    Undergraduate Medicine Requirements ATAR + UMAT + Interview

    Hey there, I know one guy from my school in the year above me got into Monash MBBS via rural entry with an ATAR somewhere between 95-97, UMAT of 64th percentile and either RA-3 or RA-4. He would've smashed the interview though. Another girl I know has seemingly gotten into UAdel MBBS via the...
  4. Y

    Rural entry for medicine

    I know someone who got into Monash via the Dean's Rural List with 95-97 ATAR and 64 UMAT. He must've aced the interviews though.
  5. Y

    USYD combined medicine interview

    I got one as well but chose not to bother because I am an interstate applicant and out of the 30 places, 27 are for NSW students.