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  1. katiekms

    How do you guys memorise essays?

    I’ve tried before, but i’ve always had to reduce it to like intro, topic sentences, quotes, and then make everything else up on the spot. how do you guys manage to memorise an entire essay? what different methods do you use? Thank you so much!!
  2. katiekms

    Would your marks be averaged in this instance?

    Say if before one of your HSC exams you were like vomiting heaps, out of pure fear and anxiety not a literal sickness, would the examiners be allowed to stop you from taking the exam? would you get like your marks averaged? how would that work? surely they couldn’t let you sit it if you’re...
  3. katiekms

    Help I actually don’t know what i’m doing for Mod C

    So we have an assessment coming up where we do a mod B essay in class (i’ll ignore that for now) and Mod C creative at home. the mod C stimulus is this: Part 2: Module C – Craft of Writing – Creative Response and Reflection The primary concern of good text is to create an emotional response in...
  4. katiekms

    honestly i’m so torn on what to do at uni. can you still get a job as a teacher with a diploma of education?

    because i mentioned to one of my teachers that i wanted to get some sort of education degree. she mentioned two options, do 4 years of primary education (that’s the level im thinking of doing), or, do 3 years of visual communication design (i’m kinda interested in that) + 1 year of diploma of...
  5. katiekms

    Anyone going to see Pearl Jam in November?

    IM SO EXCITED!! :guitar: not only will one of my favourite bands be there, but so will the Pixies!!! is anyone going? specifically to the Sydney one?
  6. katiekms

    what does it take to become a “well-known member”?

    i’m an active member but i want to be well known :idea:
  7. katiekms

    Are state ranks determined from raw marks or moderated/aligned marks?

    This has probably already been answered somewhere, but do they use your raw mark in the exam to determine the state rankers or the mark that they moderate and align? thank you! @jimmysmith560 :hat:
  8. katiekms

    Highest ATAR at your school + school rank?

    i’m expecting all of the responses to be crazy since you all seem to come from rich schools but mines pretty sad lol. My schools like 400+ and the highest ATAR last year was like 91.75 and i think the year before was about 93. and keep in mind there was likely only one or two people that would...
  9. katiekms

    Are you allowed to post your BOW online?

    Im just thinking like what if it’s not allowed because of some plagiarism or copyright laws idek but i haven’t seen anything that’s addressed it at all. I wanna eventually post my BOW in places like instagram/reddit/bos for feedback and advice before the due date but i don’t know if it’s...
  10. katiekms

    help??? am i in trouble?

    so just today i looked at my personalised hsc timetable and it included music WHICH I DROPPED AGES AGO (start of year 12). i don’t take that class anymore and it’s off my class timetable. we also recently had an assembly where we made sure all our nesa info was correct AND I CROSSED OUT MUSIC...
  11. katiekms

    Is this normal for tutoring?

    So i do maths tutoring with this online tutoring company and i’m unsure if this is just a weird tutor (i switched recently as my last one left) or this is how it usually goes. So with my last tutor, they would find resources FOR me that helped me learn things, they would go through practice...
  12. katiekms

    Does anyone else LOVE standard 2 maths?

    I don’t know if it’s just me, but i love it so much. it’s the only subject that i enjoy doing and studying for. i just find it fun for some reason. nobody in my class really likes it which makes me feel alone in my love ❤️ on another note, we need more people posting in this forum. it’s so...
  13. katiekms

    What do you think I should expect for an ATAR?

    for context i am in a poor 400+ rank school that last year had 4 students who got at least 1 band 6, so idk i should even be proud of this but i digress. English Advanced: 95% rank: 1/7 Maths Standard 2: 100% rank: 1/~20 Legal Studies: 90% rank: 1-2/8 Investigating Science: 95% rank: 4/~15...
  14. katiekms

    How many people state rank in standard 2 math?

    Also what's the maximum? and what mark do you need (depending)?
  15. katiekms

    Are you allowed to sign your major work paintings?

    Like, I’ve heard that you aren’t allowed to reveal your identity in your works since with your VAPD you have to cover your name and stuff so it’s not biased... but would just signing your initials in the painting or even the back be allowed? I want to do this since i do it for every other...
  16. katiekms

    Is term 1 holidays too late to start my major work?

    Unfortunately I am an avid procrastinator, so even though I knowwwww I should’ve started in the summer holidays… I well.. didn’t. I’m just wondering, have I made this impossible for myself? I’m doing some moderately large scale acrylic paintings for context. My teacher has made it quite clear...