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  1. joshdavid


    where do we pick up our student diaries??
  2. joshdavid


    hi im currently doing b comm/ b eco and i was wondering wat major would go well with business law and wat the job prospects are for doing business law i was thinking of doing business law and finance but am unsure whether they go well together... any suggestions......
  3. joshdavid

    help needed

    hello everyone i am currently doing a Bach Commerce/ Bach Economics at UNSW and one of my majors in commerce is Business Law. i was wondering if anyone could help me to decide wat other commerce major would complement it and wat eco major would also go well with it help would be much...
  4. joshdavid

    Chemistry - Metals

    does anybody know where to find the costs of production for metals???
  5. joshdavid

    financial institutions

    what role does the govt play in order to contribute to the efficient operation of the financial system in performing this function???? plz reply URGENT