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  1. M


    hey im trying to cram in everything now. last day study , could sum one please tell me the meaning of installment , compound interset ,installment and superannuation thanks in advanced
  2. M


    how many texts? how many texts r u supposed to learn for henry lawson and komninos
  3. M

    help---the shoe horn sonata

    I cant seem to remember wat act and scene an event happened in when im quoting something. If i make up act and scene no. would I lose marks? If yes, then culd some1 plz suggest me an alternative method of doing esays without memorising this
  4. M


    hi I have som quest which im havin trouble wid wat is the difference between, rockwell test , izod test , charpys test (and all the text required 4 HSC) and wat dey are used for, also wats the difference between hardness, stiffness nd strength (and which method they can be found...
  5. M

    very simple question

    hi i was just looking through conquering chemistry p. 144 and i dont under stand why does it have two different equations: -it says when hydrogen carbonate is placed in acidic soloution it produces carbonic acid (conjugate acid) however near the bottom it says hydrogen carbonate is placed...
  6. M


    hey does ne1 have ne suggestions what book is the best to study out of that will get u 90+. And is definitive guide gud enough
  7. M

    how to improve

    hi plz tell me how i can improve in english----i barely pass now.................and do u suggest any books that are useful? and in english if u use complex language are u more likely to get higher marks? thx 4 ur replys
  8. M


    hi could someone plz tell me wats HECS and the Australian fee thingy--something like dat---cos im supposed to select my subjects now and im so lost thankss