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    Just did the exam. What did YOU think?

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh i could not think of a quote for macbeth after reading it 3 times and anaylising it inch by inch i went blank shit. oh well destruction is easy enough to prove in macbeth without quotes but i guess i lost at least 5 marks for no quotes any one if u do legal and want to trade...
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    Just did the exam. What did YOU think?

    oh my god oh my god oh my god i have never experienced a mind blank like this ever do u think i could remember 1 quote from macbeth no of course not after reading it twice in class and once recently and when i walked out they came to my head so i did a detailed thing about the destruction and...
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    ppl i just started yr too stressed...plz help

    DO WHAT I DIDNT DO USE YOUR TIME WISELY revise everything and use the full year not the last month b4 the exams:p
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    ATTENTION Naked guys and girls here...........

    Now that i have your attention is it ok to use opinion in essays when talking about consumerism or should i let the poems and related materials do the explaining 4 me. Also i apologise for getting you all excited lol:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :rolleyes:
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    look look look naked girls and guys .......

    now that i have your attention does anyone know if when writing on consumerism if opinion is good to add or should i leave it to poems and related material to explain it :angel:
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    1 week till HSC.... how do u all feel?

    i am feeling like i could throw my brain into a bucket of water and it would float it is empty but im trying to make it sink lol...................... its only a couple of exams right?????:cool:
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    relax i cant help but worry i need to communicate with someone about this all my friends are doing it just to get the paer its bullshit that they dont stress ohhhh.........i wish that were me:rolleyes:
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    Help Please I Will Love U Forever

    i need to find a printable version of bruce dawes poems including enter without so much as knocking televistas and so on please
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    Help please i am lost in strictly ballroom anyone doing it or consumerism please help i am confused and lost and stressing:eek:
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    Is anyone else as bored with this whole thing as me i dont see how camera angles in strictly ballroom is going to help me be an accountant but oh well. i cant wit to party when its all over:p