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  1. R

    Animal Communcation

    I'm so stuck with this open ended is the method meant to be ?!! We have to investigate how an animal communicates with members of its own species and in the absence of human influences Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ! ! :confused:
  2. R

    Belonging .!

    I'm doing slumdogg millionaire in relation to Skrzynecki's poems 10 Mary St and Migrant Hostel. Which scenes from the movie do you think best suit the two poems ? A close annalysis of the scenes are needed I can't seem too choose .! :jaw: Help please .! x
  3. R

    ineed of urgent help :|

    i'm doing a critical study of coming of age...does anyone have a previous speech or essay because i have no idea what i'm doing and how to link related material together :| it's due on thursday and i started but i realised that i didn't answer the question. the question is : How the issue of...
  4. R

    prelim solo =|

    i'm really ineed of some ideas for the end of prelim solo performance. i'm really nervous and have no idea what to do =| could i get some help and maybe some reassurance =]