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    Aluminium Lithium alloys with higher strength, greater stiffness, and lighter weight is considered as an emerging and an attractive aerospace material. Each percent of lithium, up to 4 % reduces the overall weight by 3% and increases stiffness by 6%. Alloys have already been developed that...
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    Obama calls for the reduction of Israeli West Bank settlements

    lol alright fair game my friend. I still dont know much, ive only visited israel twice in my life, my father is christian and my mother is jewish. Personally we follow the predecessor religion in the family.
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    Obama calls for the reduction of Israeli West Bank settlements

    hmmm.. well thats constructive criticism. On what grounds am i wrong.
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    Chinalco-Rio deal scrapped

    Agreed, we have to stop honoring the red dragon for their economic and technological achievements, then turning our cheek to their abuse of human rights, and their vieled support of potential terror threats (eg North Korea)
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    Obama calls for the reduction of Israeli West Bank settlements

    wow that seed thing is actually quite amazing. how cant jew not die now..? LOL :P anyway back on topic. Its horrendous the status of religious tolerance in the middle east (incredibly volatile). But the US has to start thinking, and come to the realization that in a sea of sharks, a fish has...
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    OH MY GOD!! Muslims Outnumber World's Catholics

    wtf is up with u man.. The Western world hardly holds any of these ideals. This is especially easy to see when a Western country illegally invades your country, kills thousands and takes your oil in the name of 'democracy' or 'world peace'. U GET THE OFF MY PLANET! ALRITE THE MEDIA AND...