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  1. Z

    Studying maths ext.2 after high school

    teach yourself edit: hmm i guess that doesn't increase your uai though
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    Please help solve...

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    Government Rebates on Computers

    hey, its 750$ man
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    Government Rebates on Computers

    so could i buy all the parts for a super duper gaming system at, say, msy, and get the rebate? or do i have to get one of those premade computers at harvey norman/dse etc.
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    Selling WoW Account

    i got one too, dont want to clog up the forum with selling wow account threads, so ill hijack this one 80 dk with t7.0 and 73 rogue + 70 priest on barth-horde. pm me
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    sex in public rest rooms

    nah disabled toilets are the cleanest, noone ever uses them
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    How can i b a mathz pro???

    if youre getting formulas mixed up it probably means you arent really understanding what the formula means / why it works. try to actually understand what youre learning instead of going rote.
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    What do you guys think of this? Should I trust?

    how do you know its his real name /not an obscure email and even after your recieve the money in your paypal and withdraw to bank acc immediately, it takes a few days to proccess and paypal can lock your funds. if the buyer reports the item as not recieved, or if the guy is using a stolen...
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    Street Fighter IV

    mm been trying to get good at 3rd strike since i saw that daigo parry thing but the learning curve is so steep :/
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    Web Designer

    it's not hard to learn how to do it yourself but it is quite time consuming (100+ hours) and you will get frustrated trying to root out the multitude of bugs/errors you'll inevitably encounter, so it's probably best to outsource it unless you already have an interest in programming and stuff and...
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    Fifa 2009

    coming from pes, my crosses never worked when i first started playing fifa because i was pressing cross running diagonally in, the ball just kept going out. Then I found out you have to be running perpendicular to the sideline, it works pretty well. then again thats maybe because i'm only...
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    ubuntu 8.04 installation issues

    i had the same problem on my desktop, booting from cd though. i had to use a different cd drive. Try formatting your usb to fat32? instead of ntfs.
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    What are the chances of my school giving me the WEP key?

    err no this is what happens when you connect to a proxy server e.g. you are alice and you are connected to bob, who is a proxy server if you want some stuff off the net, say from instead of getting it straight from the you ask bob to get it for you then send it back to you how...
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    Simpsons rule question

    change which distance?
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    Simpsons rule question

    oops i really screwed up before, here is the corrected version: find area from 0 to 24, A1 find area from 12 to 36, A2 find area from 12 to 24 in terms of f(18), M now you have an eqn: total area = A1 + A2 - M now find area from 0 to 36...
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    Hard Questions

    a * b / c = a/c * b ?
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    Simpsons rule question find area from 0 to 24, A1 find area from 12 to 36, A2 find area from 12 to 24 in terms of f(18), M now you have an eqn: total area = A1 + A2 - M now find area from 0 to 36 directly using 1 application of simpson's rule solve the...
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    Quicker Method for Long Division of Polynomials

    Isn't this exactly the same as long division, but in your head?
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    I was trying to adapt to the 'uberman' schedule for the first week of my holidays (2hrs/ sleep a day: 20 mins x 6 times a day). Didn't work. Couldn't fall asleep during the day and kept on unconsciously turning off my alarm during my night sleeps.
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    Mathematics Marathon

    how do you do the integral sign? and the answer should be xlnx +c right? would the geometric series have a limitng sum for 0 < x < e?