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  1. M

    Triple Whammie!

    YOU'RE a clown. Its clearly one word. Western Australia is clearly two words, hence the space.
  2. M

    Triple Whammie!

    Apparently Engineering was on today in the afternoon. Thats kinda crazy, because anyone who does Engineering would most likely do Physics or Chemistry or both. But i suppose its done for a reason. I just cant see a logical one.
  3. M

    Triple Whammie!

    OHHHHHHHH hahaha what a clown!!!!! I really hope that you read this reply, so that you can look in a dictionary to see the word "you're", yes it is you are but you're is the shortened version DOUCHE!!!! Congratulations you learnt a new word, in year 12, doing your HSC. The English teachers at...
  4. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Its doesnt matter i dont reckon. The amount of lines they gave you had a point behind it. Thats how much youre supposed to write!!! Stress Less.
  5. M

    Triple Whammie!

    Yeah Chem is my last subject so I'm just stoked to be finished. Its probably my worst subject. I came third though so hopefully i can be pushed up a little. Is it your last one?
  6. M

    Triple Whammie!

    And here is three for you: YOU'RE A DOUCHE
  7. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Im gonna agree with Becky here. I say quality over quantity any day. If you answer the question in 2 pages, good on ya, if you answer it in 4,6,8,10,20,6000 pages no worries. I think its better though to get to your point earlier and be strict with the amount that you write, so you don't bore...
  8. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Oh. Really. Yeah that is an anti climax. Thats nothing special at all really. Kinda average actually. Still 41 thats massive man. Nice
  9. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Ok you have an alibi. But thats crazy heaps. p.s HOW DARE YOU SWEAR ON MY THREAD.. jokes bro haha
  10. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Are you serious how did you have the time to write that much, then count them all up haha. Crazy kids
  11. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Thankyou for calming my nerves bro haha. I agree with you post about what you can include in your answer too. Ive been told that i write too small so mayb it could be similar. Sick fully sick.
  12. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Well its based on the needs of children so im sure that it will be included somewhat, just because it wasnt learnt in the actual syllabus doesnt necessarily mean that it wont be accepted as an answer. I dont think so anyway
  13. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Ok im starting to worry now. I thought it was cake, but people are talking of writing shiploads of booklets. NEW QUESTION INTRODUCED: HOW MANY PAGES FOR EACH QUESTION?????
  14. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Thats pretty much what i wrote about, except i didnt put in strength training. On top of what you have i wrote about; shorter games and smaller fields etc. Which is kinda to do with thermoregulation and asthma i spose.
  15. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Was that question: Analyse how an athlete can train for improved performance in terms of power and strength? I was finished with like 30 minutes to go and i was throwing up between answering another elective. Because they mark everything and take your best two scores. I did Sports Med and...
  16. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Are you serious! 5 pages thats a bit stupid. I figure for 12 marks, you kinda need to talk about 6 things and explain them etc. If anyone did the Sports Medicine question it was about young athletes and children and things that are changed to cater for them....... i figure all you have to do is...
  17. M

    Triple Whammie!

    Yeah thats rubbish, its stupid to have chemistry and physics within 2 days of one another. Plus its doubly rubbish to have Engineering the day in between, seeing as if you do Engineering studies you'll most likely do physics or chem or both. Ahh well
  18. M

    Triple Whammie!

    Yeah thats a pretty average run. Possibly
  19. M


    I wear a bit of the Hugo Boss. Good stuff!
  20. M

    PD/H/PE Exam

    Yeah haha it was cake, i wish all my exams were that easy!