Search results

  1. RocKetBoy

    Parents reaction to ATAR

    Me: OMG 98.65 Mum: oh thats gud, not excellent, now go have breakfast! she is asian. lol.
  2. RocKetBoy

    Distinguished Achievers List (with searchable excel file)

    lmao im on the list and im dumb =)
  3. RocKetBoy

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    98.65^^ WOO Actuarial @ Macquarie here i come! xD
  4. RocKetBoy


    You both do poorly scaled subjects and are ranked pretty bad in them. loz1 - 70-78ish P4M - 67-75ish Study hard. Cos ur lyf depends on it.
  5. RocKetBoy

    Atar estimate please, another one :D

    Nice english rank, but although ur other subjects are low scaled, you have good ranks in them. My estimate is 90-92 Improve ur business and u will get 92+ Study hard.
  6. RocKetBoy

    estimateeeeeeeee please =D

    Very solid rankings. Although your subjects aren't well scaled, you have obviously made up for it by studying hard =) My estimate is 93-95ish. Get that Band 6 in eng and you will get high 90s. Study hard^^
  7. RocKetBoy

    Atari, power without the price!

    Wow u guys go to good school, mine is only ranked right? newaiz here is my estimate: Person 1 = Person 2 = 85-90 Gud estimate cos i reckon some really smart guy is coming first in most subjects in ur school and pulling every1 in ur cohort up. Too bad i dun have someone lyk that in mine.
  8. RocKetBoy

    3U CSSA Trial

    yea i got tan(inverse) 2h/c for the angle
  9. RocKetBoy

    3U CSSA Trial

    Kind of easy paper, definitely 80+/84 Finished the whole paper in 50mins except the 2nd last part of the last projectile question. I spent 1hr on it and still couldn't get it haha T.T For the last part of projectile (finding the angle) i guessed the answer and it turned out to be right xD i...
  10. RocKetBoy

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    I screwd up option pretty bad =( and the pH multiple choice i put D but it was actually to 3sig fig ithink...somethink lyk that o.0 that was a wierd question lol um...i screwed up sulfate% calculation cos i divided by mass of precipitate instead of sample T.T stupid stupid STUPID >.< I reckon i...
  11. RocKetBoy

    Dota Bored Aussie

    I need a BA invite please =.= Heres my email: Thanks =)
  12. RocKetBoy

    Scabing marks :) (its okey for the HSC lol)

    i got dethroned from 1st to 2nd cos person who previously came 2nd didun get a page buh i don't have a problem with people scabbing, increases competitiveness hence i still benefit either way. also yeh if ur answer was right and u are marked wrong...then u deserve that mark and u...
  13. RocKetBoy

    How did you go in your half yearlies?

    Advanced Eng - 15/15 (100%) - 1st or 2nd* Economics - 72/80 (90%) - 1st Chemistry - 78/84 (93%) - 1st Biology - 75/85 (88%) - 2nd Maths Ext 1 - 88/89 (99%) - 1st Maths Ext 2 - 114/138 (83%) - 1st Comments: *I didun go too well in first assessment in english...11/15 so i was ranked >20ish..buh...
  14. RocKetBoy

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? UAI Aim= 97 USyd = B Commerce (liberal studies) Macq Uni = Actuarial studies + accounting UNSW = B Commerce - Actuarial studies Ganbatte minasan! ^^
  15. RocKetBoy

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    theoretically, school ranking does not affect you uai. however psychologically it will. What i am trying to say is that someone in JR will be in a better position to gain a higher uai because of their environment; they have friends which they compete with, and asian parents (even the non-asian...
  16. RocKetBoy

    How many hours of study are you going to do?

    eh??um...i tink we're kinda lyk dat too. maii class left off at quotient rule during last wk of the term. soo...we still gotta finish off intro calculus >.>. do u tink im 1term behind too? wat topic u guyz upto? i do 1 maths in focus extension 1 exercise per day = 1hr/day. i wanna atleast catch...
  17. RocKetBoy


    haha ty for caring about me. =D
  18. RocKetBoy

    Organising Work (merged)

    Re: Any tips to improve my organisation? um...u knoe those thingos that look lyk a cereal box cut diagonally, that teachers have lyk next to their desk in the class. yeah get one of em for each subject. i hope u knoe the object i am talking about lol. soz for bad explanation. big folder with...
  19. RocKetBoy

    chem or bio?

    LOL! how random =) to op: definitely drop bio =Oif u ace chem, it will pay off a lot more.