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  1. S


    we are just doing our first Module A assesment and its a lecture with a question about what ideas about humanity are raised in blade runner of frankenstein when studied together. its pretty interesting but so hard to narrow down to 8 minutes. i found this on some site, i find it...
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    did you have a website with a whole bunch of study notes for like bio and maybe chem on it. i...

    did you have a website with a whole bunch of study notes for like bio and maybe chem on it. i recall coming across something like that and it was like jaykhu .com and i cant find it againa dni found the bio notes really helpful :) im in my HSC year and i do bio chem 4unit english gen maths...
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    i'm interested in a chemistry tutor for a group of three people. what are your rates like...

    i'm interested in a chemistry tutor for a group of three people. what are your rates like? also, did you have a website with your bio and chemistry notes posted on it. i remember i got bio notes of a websit called something like jaykhu they were pretty helpful aswell so thanx if it was you:)
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    me and two of my friends life in the macarthur region and are interested in a tutor for...

    me and two of my friends life in the macarthur region and are interested in a tutor for chemistry. we are capable students and we do know our stuff we just arent confident in our knowledge. we would like a tutor who based sessions around the BOS dot points and helped work on calculations and...
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    Campbeltown, Macarthur Area Tutor for High School Students - 09' - 10' HSC

    hey me and two of my friends are interested in a chemistry tutor. we're happy to do this at the campbelltown library. we can do the work, but its just confidence in our ability. our teacher is great but focus's on the bigger picture rather than zoning in and answering specific dot...
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    Help! Ruby moon/ 7 stages essay

    talk about the reliance on stereotypical fairytale characters in ruby moon and how it is a fractured fairytale and the stereotype of bad parenting. as well as all the different stereotypes withing the neighbourhood, the crazy baby sitter girl, the wierd maybe peadophile imitator (sid) the crazy...
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    HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and the

    Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and the maintenance and repair of body tissue. Can some one help me answer this one because i have no idea what to write im in the middle of writing up my notes and im up to section no. 4 for search for a better health and...
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    Chemistry Dot Pts. =] please and thankyou... LEGEND:D