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  1. E

    Kurt Cobain ruined music*

    I personally don't think he ruined music, he and his band were one of the defining grunge bands of the 90's and are still quite popular even after his death. Take a look at all the shit that gets aimed at younger people these days, i know what ruined Music?
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    Hi everyone i'm thinking of doing the TPC cert IV next year as i didn't go as well as i thought i would have, any way im taking a break from studying atm and was just wondering if anyone had any info regarding the TPC, like what classes you can do, and will i have to do math? any general info...
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    What do you hate, that most people love?

    Twilight, eminem, rap and hip hop shit, Justin beiber, techno,
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    Medicine !!!!

    Do any other undergrad degree such as science or arts get a 5.5 gps and apply for the graduate course you will Also need to do a gamsat alternatively you good do the umat at the end of a bachelor degree and get into an undergrad course That way contact the. Uni ur thinking of and see, I'm gonna...
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    Hey everyone I just need some info about the arts degree at MQ. I'm going to apply next year and if I get accepted into the arts degree I would like to major in anthropology or history but my main question is to whether I can do a double major from another faculty like biology I would normally...
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    Grad Medicine

    Hey can anyone help me please im doing medical science and wondering what major will help me the most and better prepare me for medicine
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    Uws college 2010

    i hate my timetable 5 days a week and i start 9am each day, KILL ME NOW
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    Undergrad Medicine

    Hey just wondering if anyone knows how it would be possible for me to transfer into medicine at uws campbelltown, currently enrolled at uws college diploma of science, what will thwy base on my application my hsc results or my diploma results plz help
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    Belonging: Related Text Suggestions

    Let me start by saying belonging was the most boring topic ever and i personally hated it as did my entire year anywayz here are my suggestions: Marilyn Manson - the nobodies Bend It like beckham sorry i cant think of my others atm go to they have some good stuff
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    Uws college 2010

    No Sorry, btw do you know how we get out timetable online tomorrow? (Diploma in science)