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  1. IndianPrideBby

    Year 11 Subjects

    im thinkin of dropin it in yr 12 shud i do that?
  2. IndianPrideBby

    Fuckin young love...

    + 1 buh depends on how mature they r 4 theyr age my frend had hurr 1st boyf in yr 8 n it was meaningful...buh lastd few munths... anotha frend had hurr 1st tha same yr n t lastd 1 yr ...
  3. IndianPrideBby

    Is this wrong?

    u noe...u remind meh of a frend hus in tha kinda same situation buh...da guy she lyks is 20 yrs old, she [my frend] is 16, he is hurr 2nd cuzn... most of hurr 1st cuzns noe bout dis...n tha guy she lyks luvs hurr bak === s0o tru === bitch fight much?!?!?
  4. IndianPrideBby

    Year 11 Subjects

    i was told by my frends dat food tech waz realli hard <(bestie hu does foodtech as electiv this yr) n realli fun?!?(<family frend hu chose food tech) hu's advice is beta? i wanna do legal buh rents r lyk "nope, it has nufing 2 do wif tha subjects u r taking now" s0o dats out of tha game 4...
  5. IndianPrideBby

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition @ our skewl...yr 10 dint hav 2...its compulsory 4 all of yr 10 s0o i got my money bak :D
  6. IndianPrideBby

    Horrible at Competitions.

    omg yes i do... i jus got my award 4 dis competition n i got participation vry1 els in my grade got was s0o embarassing :( :lol:
  7. IndianPrideBby

    Ashes Series 2009

    u remind meh of tha comentry my dad reads on da net n my dad = ]
  8. IndianPrideBby

    Year 11 Subjects

    ppl...gud 4 u... i am totalli DEAD!!! wat do i choose?!?! i hav ONE unit left!!!! i choose food tech>>extra pressure!!! WHY WHY WHY?!?!?! ([subjects r below])
  9. IndianPrideBby


    i hav 2 work hardr iif i wanna stop procrastinating :D buh wil i/wont i XD muhahahaha
  10. IndianPrideBby

    Australian Maths Competition

    lolsz ive dun da math comp yr 7, 9, n this yr...yes it was hard! buh it was neva as hard as this yrs intermediate paper...last yr i got a credit>>>cos it wasnt thaaat hard<<<THIS class=inlineimg title="" smilieid="20" alt="" border="0"...
  11. IndianPrideBby

    Guide to selecting your HSC Courses

    thankz heaps! i needed that 4 my subjects...