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  1. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    Thanks very much and i completely agree with you. I have discussed it with a lot of people today and they have told me basically what you have told me. Even though i am, 'as my teachers says' very good at textiles i am not planning to become a fashion designer! Can i ask, how do you find your...
  2. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    oh ok. thats good to know but did you do any extensions though.
  3. G

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Can you get into medicine at an atar of 96?
  4. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    I currently thinking: English Advanced Extension 1 Maths SOR 2 Business Studies Textiles and Biology/Chemistry
  5. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    I have thought about doing both but my school only allows me to do 13 units max and if i were to do both i would have 14 units. Also the workload worries me. But thanks for your opinion.
  6. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    yes i have but i am worried about the work load of two sciences!
  7. G

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    I am still deciding to be honest but: English Advanced Extension 1 Maths SOR2 (catholic school) Biology/Chemistry Business/Economic/Legal Textiles Really not sure what i want to do in university. I have loved the idea of medicine but i think it is to hard to get into, if not a bachelor of...
  8. G

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Don't you need chemistry to do medicine?
  9. G

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    I have to choose my subjects for Year 11 and Year 12 by tonight and i have been thinking about what to pick for months but i can not decide! I have been under so much stress on choosing because of one major dilemma. I can not decide whether to do chemistry or biology. I enjoy biology and have...