Search results

  1. G

    Interview Difficulties

    Just wondering, what makes the JMP interviews so difficult?!
  2. G

    JMP Interview offers 2014

    ahh thank you so much for placating my concerns!! Ive been praying for newcastle for a while now but if the interview location has no bearing on which campus you get into then im somewhat relieved lol
  3. G

    JMP Interview offers 2014

    Just got an offer! S1 63. However im kind of worried that i received an interview in Armadale despite putting Newcastle as first preference! Does that mean I was ranked at the bottom of the cohort and have less chance of getting accepted into the Newcastle course? How does preferential system work?!
  4. G

    uadel interviews

    I got one for dent but not med :( 90th percentile and 98.85 ATAR!
  5. G


  6. G


    Thank you all for your responses! Is anyone else having trouble accessing the UWS application!?
  7. G


    Haha thanks man, just starting tonight lol... looks like im in for a rager of a weekend:cool:
  8. G


    Hey everyone! Just had a few questions regarding applications for any of those who are diligent/organised enough to have completed them. Which universities (apart from UNSW and JCU) require you to answer detailed questions about your motivations to study medicine etc. within their...
  9. G

    Interview likelihood

    Hey Medman! Posted the same question on another thread but i thought i would enlist your expertise. Do i have a shot with S1 63 S2 60 S3 58 (90th percentile) and ATAR 98.85 (gap year)? I'm not GWS so will prob not meet the weighted score for UWS but do i have a shot anywhere else ?
  10. G

    2k14 UMAT results + General Discussions

    2013: S1:50 S2:49 S3:50 OVERALL: 148 Percentile : 46 2014: S1:63 S2:60 S3:58 Overall: 180 Percentile : 90 DO you guys reckon i've got a chance at an interview ?!? (98.85 Atar and gap year :))
  11. G

    UMAT results release date?

    Ahhhhh so soon!!!!!!!!
  12. G

    2k14 UMAT results + General Discussions

    Just gave them a call to subtly ask, to quote 'the release date has not been finalised'. Not sure if they just say that so they're not forced to give definitive answer! But I just have a feeling it won't be today
  13. G

    UMAT results release date?

    Just checked my results form last year, they were released at 9.30pm on Fri the 13th!! I reckon it's either today (12th) or the 19th, but i'm more inclined to think it's next friday