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  1. C

    HSC Marks Thread 2019

    Just got mine, 92 chem accelerated
  2. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    I lost like 3 marks in MC - the strong acid strong base, radioactive one and q20... Though I did well in short answer so yeah... Honestly found MC to be the hardest part of the test
  3. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Im pretty sure its 1500. Everyone that I know got 1500.
  4. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Oh shoot I mean its a 7 marker so hopefully what u wrote was enough??? Im starting to get worried because I only wrote heat, not reflux...
  5. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    I mean as @Arrowshaft has mentioned above u only apparently need NaOH with no other conditions? IDK, im pretty sure you need heat, Ill check my textbook in the morning
  6. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    I just did NaOH + heat for substitution of the chloroethane; thats how Ive learnt it.
  7. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Shouldnt there also be marks allocated for the methods in which the compounds can be identified?
  8. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    OH YES your right, so it was chloroethane to ethanol and then ethanoic acid, then esterification to ethyl ethanoate right??? I dont think I named chloroethane lol
  9. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    I do remember naming some but not all - I dont think I named ethanal? Cant remember.
  10. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Waiiittt we had to name them?
  11. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Ugh I know that I lost like 5 marks for sure, and me and my friends basically recalled every question. I think I did everything else alright, and accounting for perhaps some marks lost because of harsh markers or something, Im hoping for 90 raw. I go to a selective school, accelerated chem.
  12. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Wait so if u get a raw mark of like 85 does that align to a band 6??? Im so confused.. can someone explain pls???
  13. C

    HSC Chemistry Exam Solutions / Thoughts

    Guys for the question that asked for an explanation of the titration curve, the one with the conductometric graph already given, did you guys talk about the above conductometric graph or the actual titration curve like me? I think im wrong :( Edit: and also, you dont need to get a raw mark over...
  14. C

    Looking for Good Eng Adv Tutor

    Hey, Looking for an Eng Adv tutor who has recieved good marks in the HSC (preferably 95+) and is reasonably appropriate with their pricing. Preferably around Epping area (I could travel a little bit, or do online) and is well knowledgeable of the current syllabus. Would be even better if small...
  15. C

    2018 HSC+ATAR results discussion Thread

    Im accelerated IPT (LMAO) and got 93. Got my sms at 5:34
  16. C

    Thoughts on the paper?

    Radio buttons is where the user is given a choice (usually between two) and the buttons are round. Such as gender, where the user is to choose male, female or non-binary. I've looked through the syllabus, and whilst it dosent not directly reference radio button, I'm sure you covered it in class.
  17. C

    Thoughts on the paper?

    Easy paper? By any chance are you from a selective school? o.o
  18. C

    Thoughts on the paper?

    Radio button is correct.
  19. C

    Thoughts on the paper?

    That last Multimedia System question though -_- Multiple choice, Im still confused about that network diagram