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  1. MoonMonster196884

    looking for hsc ninja papers

    ^ MX1 for years other than 2020 and MX2
  2. MoonMonster196884

    how to state rank english

  3. MoonMonster196884

    Where can i find revision resources like the 1 below for other 3u topics
  4. MoonMonster196884

    Sequence induction proof

    A sequence is defined by b_{1}=1 and b_{n+1}=b_{n}\left(b_{n}+1\right). Prove that for each n: b_{n+1}=1+\sum_{r=1}^{n}b_{r}^{2}
  5. MoonMonster196884

    How to solve part iv) w/o any of the previous parts
  6. MoonMonster196884

    Survey for 2nd-gen Chinese migrants
  7. MoonMonster196884

    Gauge the level of difficulty and range of marks in this exam

    This was a Task 1 Year 12 exam held earlier this month. Gauge the average mark, lowest and highest mark in a JR/NSB cohort.
  8. MoonMonster196884

    Why SDEHS papers so hard MX2

    Bro, some of the questions in the papers I have seen are harder than Ruse. Almost comparable to BOS Trials, and that's just the first task.